IRC Meeting - 20 November 2006 updated
aaime: Geometry column guessing should be removed for 2.2.x aaime: Chris is porting a relatively big geoserver install from 1.3.x to 1.4.x aaime: Well, try hard not to add a ton of ifs in the streaming renderer pretty please
IRC Logs November 21 created
Most feature improvements have been set for 1.5.x brent if there is a major and treat the stable by exception. brent ok cool brent 2) geotools IRC With the set of changes needed for each module RobA We can add functionality,
irc meeting - 2 october 2006 updated
jgarnett: thanks to everyone who helped out last week (mostly on irc) jgarnett: (my understanding is trunk/2.4.x is finally open to get these qa that out of people feeling pressure to add things onto the system due to paid work.
Internet Applications Internet Applications The existence of the
and also supports extensions to add further functionality (such as mail). ICQ, Yahoo!, MSN, IRC, and others) used by various messaging clients. and is an X Window System application that provides a very similar look and feel
irc meeting - 9 october 2006 created
jgarnett: (q: 2.3.x is on a branch correct? so trunk is open for 2.4.x work? ) out of people feeling pressure to add things onto the system due to paid work. jgarnett: thanks to everyone who helped out last week (mostly on irc)
irc meeting - 23 october 2006 created
rgould: yeah, it looks like that is what i will do jgarnett: rgould 2.2.x is closed, you cannot do your wcs work there (it would add new api) chorner: udig 1.1.1 + gt 2.3.x jgarnett: 2.3.x is also nearing being closed.
IRC logs Nov 14 created
item to figure out what to do) jdeolive sure add that one for me jdeolive it should be packaged and released brent can he not get into IRC? brent cool aaime item 5 is about 2.3.x aaime we are releasing against 2.2.x jgarnett
irc meeting - 30 october 2006 created
acuster: they are all +x acuster: when they come over to *nix jgarnett: acuster i saw a long email from you on these topics, did you have anything else to add? acuster: sure rgould: heh, i might be able to add support for that
IRC Meeting - 13 Nov 2006 created
CIA-11: 03jyutzler 072.2.x * r22714 10geotools/plugin/vpf/src/org/geotools/data/vpf/ ( file/ Eliminates bug that breaks feature reading on variable width attributes desruisseaux: Well, I can add some more
geoserver irc logs oct 17 created
how about next week for a vote? groldan i am working on 1.5.x with justin, going to add a few issues to jira brent it's under the docs section as a alfa i will port wcs on trunk as soon the 1.4.x branch is done aaime port

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