Pubblicato sul sito I.C.F. il regolamento aggiornato al 2013.

Novità sostanziale l'inserimento del fallo antisportivo (Cap. 70 segnale 18). Vengono sanzionati con il segnale che trovate di seguito atteggiamenti del tipo: allontanare il pallone, allontanare la pagaia avversaria, impedire ad un avversario di riemergere dopo la manovra dell'eschimo, avere comportamenti ingiuriosi e dire frasi offensive nei confronti di ufficiali e avversari.

Di seguito il testo in inglese con le altre specifiche.




Signal 17 with a green card applies. The following is defined as unsporting behaviour:

70.1 Any infringement committed by a player during a break in play.

70.2 Hindering another player's attempt at righting themselves after capsizing. A player who is upside down must be allowed to get their head and both shoulders

above the water before an opponent is allowed to attempt another tackle.

70.3 Interference with the equipment of an opponent. Such as holding or moving another player's paddle out of their reach, or deliberately preventing the player from regaining possession of the paddle.

70.4 Use of deliberate delaying tactics. Such as throwing the ball away, or deliberately obstructing the opposition, to delay a quick restart after an infringement. When a team is penalised, any player on that team who has possession of the ball must immediately place the ball on the water and not impede or delay the opposition in any way from taking a quick restart.

70.5 Players showing dissent.

70.6 Retaliation.

70.7 Foul or abusive language.

70.8 Other unsporting behaviour to a player, referee or other official or behaviour considered detrimental to the game, at the discretion of the referee.

70.9 Bouncing the ball out of play off an opponent's kayak to gain advantage.

18. Unsporting Behaviour

One index finger on one hand waved from side to side repeatedly