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Symantec Internet Security - An online virus scanner from the developers of Norton Antivirus 2007 can detect most virus threat but there is no option to delete the virus infected file or repair it. Does not examine compressed files.
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Scan saved at 11:34:07 PM, on 11/23/2006 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) O16 - DPF: {2BC66F54-93A8-11D3-BEB6-00105AA9B6AE} (Symantec AntiVirus scanner) Not sure if this is relevant though my virus detector program,
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Computer acting weird-adding files on its own - Virus or spyware?
Is my computer having any virus or spyware? I saw some 2 files in my C: folder Scan saved at 8:27:08 AM, on 11/18/2006 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) O23 - Service: Symantec AntiVirus Client (Norton AntiVirus Server)
File-based virus scanning software (such as Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Up through Exchange 5.5 SP2, antivirus vendors had to scan for viruses in users Inspection Scanner (eg Trend Interscan) AVAPI 2.5 Compliant Virus Scanner
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actions that i've currently taken to try repairing it have been resetting the registry, many online virus scans, a number of spyware/malware scan programs, and other such resources i can use. i've also reinstalled symantec antivirus,
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a few days ago, i had found a virus (trojan) on my comp and got multiple virus notification/delete pop o23 - service: avg e-mail scanner (avgems) - grisoft, symantec corporation - c:\program files\norton antivirus\navapsvc.exe
o16 - dpf: {2bc66f54-93a8-11d3-beb6-00105aa9b6ae} (symantec antivirus scanner) - o16 - dpf: {4f1e5b1a-2a80-42ca-8532-2d05cb959537} (msn photo upload tool)

Symantec Security Check
Symantec Security Check needs more information to continue. Details:. Symantec Security Check uses your operating system and Web browser information to:
Symantec Security Check
1995-2003 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec Security Check. Impossibile rilevare la configurazione del sistema.
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Symantec Security Response - W32.Blackmal.E@mm
Symantec Security Response esegue controlli e test accurati sulla qualità delle definizioni dei virus prima di renderli disponibili sui server Symantec.
Antivirus come NORTON ANTIVIRUS 2005, McAfee Virus Scan, Antidote, che per poterlo scaricare è necessario fornire il proprio indirizzo email a Symantec.

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Symantec Security Response - W32.Blackmal.E@mm
Symantec Security Response esegue controlli e test accurati sulla qualità delle definizioni dei virus prima di renderli disponibili sui server Symantec.
Antivirus come NORTON ANTIVIRUS 2005, McAfee Virus Scan, Antidote, che per poterlo scaricare è necessario fornire il proprio indirizzo email a Symantec.
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