(6) Emergency Department, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI, ETATS-UNIS Prévention ; Médecine préventive ; Contrôle ; Etats Unis ; Médecin
(3) Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Recherche scientifique ; Médecine ; Urgence ; Etats Unis ; Financement
Acronyms HIR / Sigles RIS: M
MAEMT: Michigan Association of Emergency Medical Technicians MTA: Medical Technology Assessment. MTPH: Médecin du Travail du Personnel Hospitalier
AMUQ - Association des médecins d'urgence du Québec - Général
U of Michigan Médecine factuelle (EBM) Journal of Emergency Medicine and Acute Primary Care Emergency Medecine Bulletin Board System
CAEP - Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians | ACMU
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine - Journal canadien de la médecine d'urgence Jeffrey Freeman, MD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
(3) Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Recherche scientifique ; Médecine ; Urgence ; Eta Unis ; Financement
AMUQ ociation des médecins d'urgence du Québec Général
U of Michigan Médecine factuelle (EBM) Journal of Emergency Medicine and Acute Primary Care Emergency Medecine Bulletin Board System
CAEP Canadian ociation of Emergency Physicians | ACMU
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine Journal canadien de la médecine d'urgence Jeffrey Freeman, MD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
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Relocating to Lansing, Michigan? These sites can help. C for more information on this specialty Emergency Medicine, C for more information on
Find a Doctor in Det Michigan | Find a Doctor at
Relocating to Det, Michigan? These sites can help. Emergency Medicine specialis work primarily in hospital emergency treatment, focused on the
SRPC Rural Medical Links
Society of Rural Physicians of Canada Société de la médecine rurale du Canada Canadian ociation of Emergency Physicians (CAEP); Atlantic Canada's The
Members listing
contributions to biomedical sciences, emergency medecine and education Drzal, Lawrence T. Michigan State University, USA, Elected for lasting
Commission franco-américaine d'échanges universitaires et culturels
05-06 in Paris studying prehospital emergency medecine with the SAMU de Paris Student 2005-2006, French Literature from the University of Michigan