Guides : HIV VIRUS

Quantitative detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 HIV
HIV-1 viral load is a basic marker to evaluate the severity of HIV-1 related diseases and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. A method based on real-time RT-PCR technology has been developed to quantify HIV-1 RNA using
South Africa - a silent civil war
Government has provided anti-retroviral drugs to rape victims, reported within the 72 hours incubation period of the HIV virus. The media has been castigated on its reports of ual violence, found to be over-sensationalised,
New HIV Virus Discovered In Bush Meat
According to the scientists, the new SIV discovered in gorillas is very similar to a particular strain of the HIV virus, which is found in some humans in Cameroon, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. The researchers said this type of HIV was
[Epidemiology of pediatric HIV infection in six provinces of China]
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the epidemiology of pediatric human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in six provinces of China. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in six provinces with the highest HIV prevalence.
[Effects of traditional Chinese medicine on CD4 + T cell counts
OBJECTIVE: To explore the impacts of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) on CD4 + T cell counts and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) viral loads during the course of structured treatment interruption (STI) in highly active
[Clinical and basic researches on HIV/AIDS]
Worldwide, about 85% of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections were acquired through ual mission. Control strategies have been focused on behavioral change through educational efforts and condom promotion,
Study: Homouality And Drug Abuse Leads To Rise In HIV In India
The UNAIDS/WHO 2006 AIDS Epidemic Update stated, "Poor knowledge of HIV has been found in groups of men who have with men. In Bangalore, for example, three in four men who have with men did not know how the virus is mitted,
[Resistance to HIV-1 infection of CD4 + T lymphocytes in vitro
RESULTS: For M tropic HIV strains, p24 level was significantly lower in ESN group than in control group (P < 0.05); for some M tropic HIV strains, even no p24 replicated in ESN group. However, T tropic virus strains had no significant
The rubber hits the road: the Vatican on condoms
A third, putatively scientific argument sprung up some years ago: that condoms are not useful in the prevention of HIV anyway, because that sneaky little virus can burrow its way through the rubber. The bottom line is: no Christian
development of a moloney murine leukemia virus-based pseudotype
there has been increasing interest in the identification of novel hiv entry a novel anti-hiv assay system using moloney murine leukemia viruses (mmlvs) with gp140 from an r5 hiv virus specifically infect ccr5-expressing cells,

Ministero della Salute - aids - Faq
Il virus HIV può penetrare attraverso la pelle integra? No, perché la pelle è una protezione, un &#39;rivestimento&#39;, una barriera per il nostro organismo.
Le FAQ - Infezione HIV e AIDS
I bambini nati da madri con l&#39;infezione HIV possono contrarre il virus HIV durante la gravidanza, le doglie, il parto e l&#39;allattamento al seno.
LILA - Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro l'Aids
Poi vengono effettuati test per valutare se e quanto il virus HIV ha danneggiato La madre può trasmettere il virus HIV al figlio durante la gravidanza,
HIV Infection and AIDS
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) presents a complex knot for scientists to unravel. After initial contact and attachment to a cell of the immune system
Virus HIV
Virus HIV. L&#39;HIV appartiene ad un gruppo di retrovirus, della famiglia dei Il virus dell&#39;HIV è molto debole e, nell&#39;ambiente esterno ha un tempo di

LILA - Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro l'Aids
Poi vengono effettuati test per valutare se e quanto il virus HIV ha danneggiato La madre può trasmettere il virus HIV al figlio durante la gravidanza,
HIV Infection and AIDS
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) presents a complex knot for scientists to unravel. After initial contact and attachment to a cell of the immune system
Virus HIV
Virus HIV. L&#39;HIV appartiene ad un gruppo di retrovirus, della famiglia dei Il virus dell&#39;HIV è molto debole e, nell&#39;ambiente esterno ha un tempo di
HIV und Aids
Aids ist eine chronische, lebensbedrohliche Erkrankung, die durch das human immunodeficiency virus (HI-Virus, HIV) verursacht wird. Das HI-Virus schädigt
Ministero della Salute - aids - Faq
Wired News: Designer Virus Stalks HIV
The treatment is made of a gutted HIV virus. The harmful parts of the virus are removed, and in their place the researchers have inserted a DNA cargo that
Giornata Mondiale contro l'Aids
Poi vengono effettuati test per valutare se e quanto il virus HIV ha danneggiato il Le trasfusioni di sangue infetto possono trasmettere il virus HIV.
Virus Structure
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) will be discussed in detail here as an example of virus structure. In some cases, comparisons between HIV-1 structure