@INPROCEEDINGS { Menchetti06ImprovingZinc, AUTHOR = {Sauro Menchetti and Andrea Passerini and Paolo Frasconi and Claudia Andreini and Antonio Rosato}, TITLE = {{I}mproving {P}rediction of {Z}inc {B}inding {S}ites by {M}odelling the {L}inkage between {R}esidues {C}lose in {S}equence}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology ({RECOMB} 2006), Venice, Italy, April 2--5, 2006}, YEAR = {2006} editor = {Alberto Apostolico and Concettina Guerra and Sorin Istrail and Pavel Pevzner and Michael Waterman}, volume = {3909}, pages = {309--320}, organization = {{RECOMB} 2006}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, isbn = {3-540-33295-2}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11732990_26} }