Peaceful sunset
Monk Egidio's death
was the greatest example of his holiness and his virtues. Saint Gregory
says that death is the echo of life. No one can die evil if he lived
a holy life. Monk Egidio died as he lived.
Before his death, Monk Egidio endured a lot of illnesses. A serious
type of sciatica tormented him day and night, making it impossible to
stand. He was then afflicted with a suffocating asthma. The Monks thought
his death was imminent; however Monk Egidio told the brothers that Our
Lady had said he would not die of this illness.
Despite all his illnesses he continued the duties of the Franciscan
Rule. However, he developed another illness, which caused him to become
bedridden. This illness eventually claimed his life and sent his beautiful
soul to Heaven.
As his condition deteriorated, he was moved to a large room upstairs
in the Convent. When he was moved, he had a look around his small room
saying, "small room, small room, I won't enter this room anymore."

Final Moments
On Friday, February
7, 1812, Monk Egidio asked the time. Upon hearing what time it was,
he lowered his head. All knew that the end was near. Again he asked
the time. The brothers answered that it was a quarter to 12. He asked
his brothers if they had already had lunch and when they said no, he
said: "Go have lunch, I still have time. My death will arrive in
half an hour." The Monks, however, wanted to be with this Saint
of God at his death and would not leave his bedside.
Before Monk Egidio died the brothers gave him the last Eucharist. He
tried to kneel but his Superior prevented him from doing so. He asked
the forgiveness of all the brothers for any distress that he had caused
He asked his Superior that he be clothes with the oldest cowl and then
he began to meditate on the things of the Heaven while he prayed.
He begged his brothers to begin a Novena to Our Lady, because he explained
that “when the novena was finished he would depart for his heavenly
As they finished the prayers for the dying, the Saint slowly closed
his eyes and lowered his head in the sleep of the Saints.
His last words were: "My Jesus, my Madonna, my Saint Joseph bring
me to Heaven!" His desire for Heaven was very strong.The bells
in Naples played the midday. Monk Egidio died in his goodness and in
his simplicity. He was 83 years old.

The People of Naples
cried and many miracles happened near his coffin. The people claimed
that he was a Saint.
On February 24, 1868, Pope Pius IX acknowledged that monk Egidio's virtues
were heroic. Pope Leo XIII declared him "Beatified" on November
21st, 1886, after having closed the trial and after having examined
his miracles. The solemn Beatification was celebrated on February 5,
For more than a century the Church and the Franciscan Family worked
toward the cause for his canonization, the registration of the name
of the humble follower of Saint Francis of Assisi, in the bulletin-board
(or canon) of universal holiness. On the May 4, 1952, Pope Pius XII
approved the requests made by the Franciscan Order, by the Archdioceses
of Taranto and Naples, and opened the Cause again. Now a sign was expected
from Heaven, a miracle after his death.
On April 19,1993, the Committee for the canonization of Blessed Egidio,
presented a miracle of the Saint to the Congregation of the Causes of
the Saints. It was the miraculous healing of Mrs. Angela Mignogna. In
1937, she had miraculously recovered from cancer of the uterus through
the intercession of Blessed Egidio. She is still alive and happy.
On January 27, 1994, the Committee of the Doctors of the Congregation
in the Vatican declared Mrs. Mignogna's recovery was clinically inexplicable.
The opinion was unanimous. In addition the Consultoris Teologi (May
13,1994) and the Cardinal and Bishops (October 18,1994) declared that
the recovery was miraculous.
Finally, on December 15, 1994, Pope John Paul II solemnly declared that
Mrs. Mignogna's healing, which was "instant, perfect and lasting",
could be considered a true miracle by God through the intercession of
Monk Egidio Maria of S. Joseph of Taranto.
On April 10, 1995, at the solemn Public Concistoro the Cardinals and
Bishops favorably voted for the canonization of Egidio Maria of S. Giuseppe
of Taranto. The Pope declared that the canonization of Blessed Egidio
had to be celebrated on Sunday, June 2,1996. It was the day of the Holy
Trinity, in S. Peter’s square in Rome. The path toward holiness
that Egidio Maria had begun on the day of his Baptism, ended on the
day of the Holy Trinity. This day God introduced him through the Church
as a Saint and witness of God’s love. Conclusion
I want to conclude these short notes on the life of the Franciscan Saint,
Egidio Maria of S. Joseph of Taranto, with a teaching given toward the
end of his life.
The Saint was ill and in the last days of his life. The Brothers lovingly
attended him. Among them was a Monk Antonio of the Consolation, who
was full of respect and veneration for the ill saint. One day he asked
Monk Egidio for a little souvenir. Monk Egidio answered him: "Respectfully
follow the Franciscan Rule and do not worry about anything."
Devoted reader, do you want to always have Heaven with you? Do you want
to fear neither earth nor hell? Do you want to sleep peacefully? Do
you want to reach the virtue of perfection and holiness? And do you
want miracles to happen also?
Then listen Saint Egidio's suggestion. Fulfill you responsibilities.
Respect God's Commandments and the Precepts of the Church. In this way
you will have a peaceful, happy and holy life.