sintassi per descrizione SET vari



Angles(general-polar) gestione angoli

set angles degrees (angoli in gradi)

set angles radians (angoli in radianti)

show angles


arrow(chart) disegna frecce

set arrow 1 from 2,2 to 5,7 (tag 1 da x,y a x1,y1)

set arrow 2 from 3,3 to 6,8 (tag 2 da x,y a x1,y1)

set noarrow 1 (rimuove tag 1)

show arrow


autoscale(axes) gestione scala su assi

set autoscale x

set autoscale y

set autoscale xy

set noautoscale x

set noautoscale y

set noautoscale xy

show autoscale


bars gestione dimensioni errorbars

set bars (dimensiona errorbars)

set bars n  (n=0..1..2..3..4..)

set bars 0  (= set nobars)

set nobars   (error senza bars)

show bars


Border(general) gestione bordi

Set border

Set noborder

Set border n (n=1..2..3..4..31) (………)

Show border


Boxwidth(general) gestione riquadri

Set boxwidth (automatico)

Set boxwidth n (n=1.2.100..)

Show boxwidth










Clabel gestione label di cornice

Set clabel       (contorno vario,formato ‘..’)

Set clabel ‘%8,%g’(standard)

Set noclabel     (contorno uniforme)

Show clabel



Clip(general)gestione taglio fuori area

Set noclip

Set clip points  (near)

Set clip one

Set clip two

Show clip


Cntrparam(general) gestione funxion parametriche

Set parametric   (t...u,v dummy)

Set noparametric

Show parametric

Set trange [x:y] (lower bound:upper bound)

Set urange [x:y]

Set vrange [x:y]



Contour(3D) gestione cornice 3d

Set cntrparam linear

Set cntrparam cubicspline

Set cntrparam bspline

Set cntrparam levels n (number of contours)

Set cntrparam points n (points for contour)

Set cntrparam order n  (n=2..10..order of b-splines)

Set contour base      (on base)

Set contour surface    (on surface)

Set contour both      (on both)

Set nocontour

Set isosamples n      (n=numero di isosamples)

Show isosamples

Show contour








Data style(style) gestione grafica per file.dat

Set data style lines

Set data style points

Set data style linespoints

Set data style dots

Set data style impulses

Set data style errorbars

Set data style boxes

Set data style boxerrorbars

Show data style



Dgrid3d gestione griglia 3d

Set dgrid3d      (standard 10*10,norm=1..riga,colonna,norma)

Set dgrid3d r,c,n (20,30,3….)

Set dgrid3d ,,4  (=10*10,norm=4)

Set nodgri3d

Show dgrid3d


Dummy(function)   (variabili indipendenti)

Set dummy n      (x dummy variable..assegnare nome..x5)

Set dummy n,m     (xy dummy variable.assegnare nome .p,q..)

Set dummy ,m (assegna seconda variabile)

Show dummy       (show dummy variables ..x,y standard)


Encoding gestione codice

Set encoding (default)

Set encoding v   (v=default..cp850..cp437..)

Show encoding


Format(axes-tics)    (tic mark.label)gestione formato per tics

Set format       (standard :formato %g% per tutti)

Set format x ‘%g’    (tic format string..asse x.codici)

Set format y ‘%g’ (tic format string..asse y.codici)

Set format x ‘%f’ (tic format marks…  asse x.codici)

Set format y ‘%g’ (tic format marks…..asse y.codici)

Show format








Function style(style) gestione grafica per file.txt,plt

Set function style lines

Set function style points

Set function style linespoints

Set function style dots

Set function style impulses

Set function style errorbars

Set function style boxes

Set function style boxerrorbars

Show function style


grid(chart) gestione griglia

set grid

set nogrid

show grid


Hidden3d(3D)gestione grafica 3d

Set hidden3d (removal)

Set nohidden3d

Show hidden3d


Isosamples(3D-contour)gestione numero ripetizioni grafico

Set isosamples a,b (due numeri:standar 10,10)

Set isosamples 20,30

Show isosamples



key(chart) gestione posizione legenda

set key x,y (posizione della legenda)

set key     (posizione standard)

set nokey    (non mostra legenda)

show key


label(chart) gestione etichette

set label n "nome" at x,y l (n=1..2..3..;l = a sinistra)

set label n "nome" at x,y c (c=centrata)

set label n "nome" at x,y r (r= a destra)

set nolabel n (elimina label n)

show label







Linestyle(general-show lines types>test) gestione linee

Set linestyle

Set linestyle n  (n=1..2..3..)

Set nolinestyle

Show linestyle



Locale gestione riferimento linguaggio

Set locale       (standard “C”)

Show locale


logscale(axes) gestione scala logaritmica

show logscale

set logscale x

set logscale y

set logscale z

set logscale xyz

set nologscale x

set nologscale y

set nologscale z

set nologscale xyz


Blrt.margin gestione margini area grafica

Set bmargin n    (numero per margine basso)

Set largin n (numero per margine sinistro)

Set rmargin n    (numero per margine destro)

Set tmargin n    (numero per margine alto)

Show margin


Mapping(3D)gestione mappa in grafica 3d

Set mapping cartesian

Set mapping sperical

Set mapping cylindrical

Show mapping








Missing gestione elemento da ignorare in dati da file.dat

Set missing

Set missing “x”  (x=un carattere)

Show missing


Multiplot gestione grafica con più grafici

Set multiplot

Set nomultiplot


Offsets gestione posizione visualizzazione

Set offsets      (standard s,d,a,b,0,0,0,0)

Set offsets a,b,c,d

Set nooffsets    (riporta a 0,0,0,0)

Show offsets



Origin gestione origine grafico con multiplot

Set origin       (0,0)

Set origin x,y

Show origin


Output(file) gestione uscita

Show output

Set output “PRN”



Parametric(general)gestione curve parametriche

Set parametric   (curve t,superfici u,v)

Set noparametic  (curve x,superfici x,y)

Show parametric

Set trange [a:b] (lower:upper)

Set urange [a:b] (lower:upper)

Set vrange [a:b]  (lower:upper


Pointsize gestione dimensione punti

set pointsize (n=1)

set pointsize n (n=1..2..3..4...)

show pointsize








polar(general) gestione curve polari

set polar

show polar

set nopolar

show polar

set rrange [x:y]

show rrange

set anglee degree

set angles radians

show angles



Rtuv.range(general-parametric-polar-radial)campo per rtuv

Set rrange [a:b] (lower:upper)

Set trange [a:b] (lower:upper)

Set urange [a:b] (lower:upper)

Set vrange [a:b] (lower:upper)

Show rrange

Show trange

Show urange

Show vrange


Samples gestione numero copie

Set samples n    (n=100 standard)

Set samples n,m   (numero,numero..200,300)

Show samples


plotsize(general)gestione dimensione area grafica

show size  (show plot size)

set size a,b (asse x:scala a..asse y=scalab)


Surface(3D)gestione superficie 3d

Set surface

Set nosurface

Show surface










Terminal(file-device)gestione uscita

Set terminal codice (vedi lista codici)

Set terminal window

Set terminal png

Set terminal pbm

Set terminal gif

Set terminal hpdj

Set terminal dumb

Show terminal


Tics(axes-tics-label)gestione etichette su graduazione

Set xtics (“label 1” x,y) (nome..posizione)

Set ytics (“label 2” x,y) (nome..posizione)

Set ztics (“label 3” x,y) (nome..posizione)

Set tics in               (inward facing standard in)

Set tics out         (outward facing)

Show tics


Tic(axes-tics-intervallo)gestione passo graduazione

Set xtics a,b,c  (inizio,passo,fine)

Set xtics 0,1,10

Set ytics a,b,c

Set ztics a,b,c

Show tics


Ticscale(axes-tics)gestione scala graduazione

Set ticscale a,b (maggiore,minore: 1,0.5)

Set ticscale maggiore (minore=0.5*maggiore)

Set ticscale 4   (minore =2)

Show tics


Ticslevel(axes-tics)gestione livello graduazione

Set ticslevel n (0.5 standard)

Set ticslevel 1

Set ticslevel –0.5

Show tics










Timestamp gestione tempo

Set timestamp    (default “%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y”  0,0)

Set timestamp “%a %b %d %Y” 2,2

Show timestamp


Time(chart) gestione tempo

Set time x,y (assegna posizione a tempo standard)

Set notime

set time x,y

set time "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" x,y

Show time


Timefmt gestione tempo

Set timefmt

Show timefmt



title(chart)gestione titolo per grafico

set title "nome" x,y

show title


View(3D)gestione rotazione grafico 3d

Set view gx,gz,sx,sz (gradi x,gradi z,scala x ,scalaz)

Show view gestione variabili x,x2

Set xdata

Set ydata

Set zdata

Show xdata

Show ydata

Show zdata

Set x2data

Set y2data

Show x2data

Show y2data







xyz.label(axes)gestione etichette per assi

set xlabel "asse x" x,y

set ylabel "asse y" x,y

set zlabel "asse z" x,y

show label

show xlabel

show ylabel

show zlabel



xyz.2.label gestione etichette per assi

set x2label "asse x" x,y

set y2label "asse y" x,y

show x2label

show y2label

show y2label



xyz.range(axes)gestione campo per xyz

set xrange [x:y]

set yrange [x:y]

set zrange [x:y]

show xrange

show yrange

show zrange



xyz.2.range gestione campo per x2,y2

set x2range [x:y]

set y2range [x:y]

show x2range

show y2range










 gestione graduazione

set mxtics

set mytics

set mztics

show mxtics

show mytics

show mztics

set mx2tics

set my2tics

show mx2tics

show my2tics

set mxtics n (numero..1..2..3..)

set mytics n

set mztics n

show mxtics

show mytics

show mztics

set mx2tics n

set m2ytics n

show m2xtics

show my2tics

set nomxtics

set nomytics

set nomztics

show mxtics

show mytics

show mztics

set nomx2tics

set nomy2tics

show mx2tics

show my2tics










 gestione graduazione

set xmtics

set ymtics

set zmtics

show xmtics

show ymtics

show zmtics

set xdtics

set ydtics

set zdtics

show xdtics

show ydtics

show zdtics

set x2mtics

set y2mtics

show x2mtics

show y2mtics

set x2dtics

set y2dtics

show x2dtics

show y2dtics


xyz.zeroaxis(axes)gestione assi

show zeroaxis

set zeroaxis

set noxzeroaxis

set noyzeroaxis

show xzeroaxis

show yzeroaxis


xyz.2.zeroaxis(axes)gestione assi

set x2zeroaxis

set y2zeroaxis

show zeroaxis

set nox2zeroaxis

set noy2zeroaxis


width gestione parametri assegnabili

with style linestyle ....line_style
linetype .... ....line_type
linewidth .....................lw... line_width
pointtype ................... pt ....point_type
pointsize ................... ps ....point_size

style:either lines, points, linespoints, impulses, dots, steps, fsteps, histeps, errorbars, xerrorbars, yerrorbars, xyerrorbars, boxes, boxerrorbars, boxxyerrorbars, financebars, candlesticks ,vector.
set function style (default)
set data style (default)