tipi di file nome.txt nome.plt nome.DAT
nome.txt :
listato scritto usando NOTES e salvato come programma file.txt
verrà richiamato da GnuPLot e visualizzerà le istruzioni
inserite,come se fosse stato scritto
direttamente con GnuPlot attivo e possibilità di vedere effetti
in fase di elaborazione
file nome.dat viene richiamato con plot "nomefile.dat"
file nome.dem trasformato in file nome.txt
testo txt
set xrange[-10:10] plot sin(x) pause -1 plot cos(x) pause -1 plot tan(x) pause -1 set xrange [0:4*pi] plot asin(x) pause -1 plot acos (x) pause -1 plot atan(x) pause -1 plot sin(x),cos(x) pause -1
# commenti # file scritto con NOTES e salvato come xprova1.txt # richiamato con GnuPlot e OPEN xprova1.txt # pause -1 attende pressione INVIO per proseguire
in successione cliccando su OK
file tipo data antartic.dat
file.dem > file.txt
file tipo dem trasformato in file tipo txt e richiamato come file.txt in frontage
# GNUPLOT v3.6 beta multiplot script file # # Second Order System Characteristics # # D**2 + 2*zeta*wn*D + (wn**2)y = (wn**2)*x # # x input variable # y output variable # w frequency ratio (w/wn) # wn natural frequency # wd damped natural frequency # zeta damping ratio # mag(w) amplitude response # phi(w) phase response # wdwn damped natural frequency ratio # wnt normalized time # # Plots: # Frequency domain magnitude response # phase response # # Time domain unit step response # unit impulse response # # # Created by: W. D. Kirby email: wdkirby@ix.netcom.com # Date: 1/18/96 # Released to the public domain with no warranty of any kind # reset set function style lines set size 1.0, 1.0 set origin 0.0, 0.0 set multiplot set size 0.5,0.5 set origin 0.0,0.5 set grid set nokey set angles radians set samples 250 # Plot Magnitude Response set title "Second Order System Transfer Function - Magnitude" mag(w) = -10*log10( (1-w**2)**2 + 4*(zeta*w)**2) set dummy w set logscale x set xlabel "Frequency (w/wn)" set ylabel "Magnitude (dB)" 1,0 set label 1 "Damping =.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.707,1.0,2.0" at .14,17 set xrange [.1:10] set yrange [-40:20] plot \ zeta=.1,mag(w), \ zeta=.2,mag(w), \ zeta=.3,mag(w), \ zeta=.4,mag(w), \ zeta=.5,mag(w), \ zeta=.707,mag(w), \ zeta=1.0,mag(w), \ zeta=2.0,mag(w),-6 # Plot Phase Response set size 0.5,0.5 set origin 0.0,0.0 set title "Second Order System Transfer Function - Phase" set label 1 "" set ylabel "Phase (deg)" 1,0 set ytics -180, 30, 0 set yrange [-180:0] tmp(w) = (-180/pi)*atan( 2*zeta*w/(1-w**2) ) # Fix for atan function wrap problem tmp1(w)= w<1?tmp(w):(tmp(w)-180) phi(w)=zeta==1?(-2*(180/pi)*atan(w)):tmp1(w) plot \ zeta=.1,phi(w), \ zeta=.2,phi(w), \ zeta=.3,phi(w), \ zeta=.4,phi(w), \ zeta=.5,phi(w), \ zeta=.707,phi(w), \ zeta=1,phi(w), \ zeta=2.0,phi(w), \ -90 # Plot Step Response set size 0.5,0.5 set origin 0.5,0.5 set dummy wnt set nologscale x set title "Second Order System - Unit Step Response" set ylabel "Amplitude y(wnt)" 1,0 set xlabel "Normalized Time (wnt)" set xrange [0:20] set xtics 0,5,20 set yrange [0:2.0] set ytics 0, .5, 2.0 set mytics 5 set mxtics 10 wdwn(zeta)=sqrt(1-zeta**2) shift(zeta) = atan(wdwn(zeta)/zeta) alpha(zeta)=zeta>1?sqrt(zeta**2-1.0):0 tau1(zeta)=1/(zeta-alpha(zeta)) tau2(zeta)=1/(zeta+alpha(zeta)) c1(zeta)=(zeta + alpha(zeta))/(2*alpha(zeta)) c2(zeta)=c1(zeta)-1 y1(wnt)=zeta==1?1 - exp(-wnt)*(wnt + 1):0 y2(wnt)=zeta<1?(1 - (exp(-zeta*wnt)/wdwn(zeta))*sin(wdwn(zeta)*wnt + shift(zeta))):y1(wnt) y(wnt)=zeta>1?1-c1(zeta)*exp(-wnt/tau1(zeta))+c2(zeta)*exp(-wnt/tau2(zeta)):y2(wnt) plot \ zeta=.1,y(wnt), \ zeta=.2,y(wnt), \ zeta=.3,y(wnt), \ zeta=.4,y(wnt), \ zeta=.5,y(wnt), \ zeta=.707,y(wnt), \ zeta=1,y(wnt), \ zeta=2,y(wnt) # # Plot Impulse Response set origin .5,0. set title "Second Order System - Unit Impulse Response" y(wnt)=exp(-zeta*wnt) * sin(wdwn(zeta)*wnt) / wdwn(zeta) set yrange [-1. :1.] set ytics -1,.5,1. plot \ zeta=.1,y(wnt), \ zeta=.2,y(wnt), \ zeta=.3,y(wnt), \ zeta=.4,y(wnt), \ zeta=.5,y(wnt), \ zeta=.707,y(wnt), \ zeta=1,y(wnt), \ zeta=2,y(wnt) set nomultiplot # # Clean up: reset parameter defaults # reset
attivando Gnuplot caricare con OPEN il file tipo dem o tipo txt derivato:si ottiene la visualizzazione