uso di format per graduazione in grafici (TICS)


Format(axes-tics)    (tic mark.label)gestione formato per tics

Set format       (standard :formato %g% per tutti)

Set format x ‘%g’    (tic format string..asse x.codici)

Set format y ‘%g’ (tic format string..asse y.codici)

Set format x ‘%f’ (tic format marks…  asse x.codici)

Set format y ‘%g’ (tic format marks…..asse y.codici)

Show format



Tics(axes-tics-label)gestione etichette su graduazione

Set xtics (“label 1” x,y) (nome..posizione)

Set ytics (“label 2” x,y) (nome..posizione)

Set ztics (“label 3” x,y) (nome..posizione)

Set tics in               (inward facing standard in)

Set tics out         (outward facing)

Show tics



Tic(axes-tics-intervallo)gestione passo graduazione

Set xtics a,b,c  (inizio,passo,fine)

Set xtics 0,1,10

Set ytics a,b,c

Set ztics a,b,c

Show tics


Ticscale(axes-tics)gestione scala graduazione

Set ticscale a,b (maggiore,minore: 1,0.5)

Set ticscale maggiore (minore=0.5*maggiore)

Set ticscale 4   (minore =2)

Show tics


Ticslevel(axes-tics)gestione livello graduazione

Set ticslevel n (0.5 standard)

Set ticslevel 1

Set ticslevel –0.5

Show tics gestione graduazione

set mxtics

set mytics

set mztics

show mxtics

show mytics

show mztics

set mx2tics

set my2tics

show mx2tics

show my2tics

set mxtics n (numero..1..2..3..)

set mytics n

set mztics n

show mxtics

show mytics

show mztics

set mx2tics n

set m2ytics n

show m2xtics

show my2tics

set nomxtics

set nomytics

set nomztics

show mxtics

show mytics

show mztics

set nomx2tics

set nomy2tics

show mx2tics

show my2tics


 gestione graduazione

set xmtics

set ymtics

set zmtics

show xmtics

show ymtics

show zmtics

set xdtics

set ydtics

set zdtics

show xdtics

show ydtics

show zdtics

set x2mtics

set y2mtics

show x2mtics

show y2mtics

set x2dtics

set y2dtics

show x2dtics

show y2dtics



con set oppure da icone AXES-TICS-TIC MARKS FORMAT......marks...string

Format Explanation
%f floating point notation
%e or %E exponential notation; an "e" or "E" before the power
%g or %G the shorter of %e (or %E) and %f
%x or %X hex
%o or %O octal
%t mantissa to base 10
%l mantissa to base of current logscale

%s mantissa to base of current logscale; scientific power
%T power to base 10
%L power to base of current logscale
%S scientific power
%c character replacement for scientific power
%P multiple of pi

set format y "%t"; set ytics (5,10) # "5.0" and "1.0"
set format y "%s"; set ytics (500,1000) # "500" and "1.0"
set format y "+-12.3f"; set ytics(12345) # "+12345.000 "
set format y "%.2t*10^%+03T"; set ytic(12345)# "1.23*10^+04"

set format y "%s*10^{%S}"; set ytic(12345) # "12.345*10^{3}"
set format y "%s %cg"; set ytic(12345) # "12.345 kg"
set format y "%.0P pi"; set ytic(6.283185) # "2 pi"
set format y "%.0P%%"; set ytic(50) # "50%"

set log y 2; set format y '%l'; set ytics (1,2,3)
#displays "1.0", "1.0" and "1.5" (since 3 is 1.5 * 2^1)

disegnare con plot sin(x) :graduazione decimale normale

show format > mostra formato corrente ...set format "%e"....replot > cambia formato x,y (esponenziale)

mostra formato (esponenziale) applicato

reset per riportare a graduazione standard (decimale) ...set forma x "%P" ...plot sin(x)
(asse x graduato con frazioni di pigreco, asse y decimale)



con set oppure da icone AXES-TICS-TIC STRING FORMAT