Together with science, history is one of my favourite studies where I spend some of my spare time. And history as well as scinece is composed of facts and people that can define more or less voluntarily the destiny of the world.
As notes on a lab-book can be insignificant on a first sight, for the person who wrote them, in the future they can be revalued and became important, so a little fact in the history can have a big repercussion in the future.
I wonder if we can reach a level of knowledge as to determine the principal steps in the future history of the men: the idea Isaac Asimov wrote in "The cronicle of the galaxy".

And now, let's look some page in the big book of the history.

Cronology Fact
49 a.C.-69 d.C. Diagram of the dynastic connection from C. Iulius Caesar to the emperor Vitellius
42 a.C.-29 d.C. C. Iulius Caesar Octavianusd Augustus three wifes (in italian)
69-96 d.C. Diagram of the dynastic connection from emperor Vespasian to Domitian
98-192 d.C. Diagram of the dynastic connection from emperor Trajano to L. Aureliius Commodus
193-235 d.C. Diagram of the dynastic connection from emperor Septimius Severus to Severus Alexander
284-364 d.C. Diagram of the dynastic connection from emperor Diocletian to Jovian
284-457 d.C. Diagram of the dynastic connection from emperor Diocletian to Marcian
364-455 d.C. Diagram of the dynastic connection from emperor Valentinian I to Valentinian III
1557 d.C. Frenchmans’ Column
1565 d.C. Blossoming spring love in Stirling

posta Claudio