My American Relatives' Pictures
My cousin Peter Masi and his daughter Janet. Peter is son of Alphonsina DeSanctis. They live in Florida.
That's Caroline's family. Her husband is William John Nosal. Their children are Alexa Janet and Braedyn Perry. They live in Virginia.
Alexa Janet and Braedyn Perry Nosal are children of Caroline Marie Smith, daughter of Janet Lucille Masi, daughter of Peter Masi. son of Alphonsina DeSanctis
That's Peter Albert's family. His wife is Susan Marie Atkins. Their sons are Mathew Peter, Ryan Nicholas, Christopher Richard and Peter Edward. They live in Wisconsin.
They're sons of Peter Albert DeSanctis, son of Nicholas Albert DeSanctis, son of Albert George DeSanctis
Peter and Susan.
... . . ... .. ....... .. . .. ....Peter Albert and his brother Gregory
Gregory and his sister Mary
George Henry Rudkin , son of Helen Rita DeSanctis and George Rudkin Sr.. Helen Rita is daughter of Nicholas Michael DeSanctis. He lives in California.
Peter Nicholas DeSanctis and his wife Claire Marie DeLuca. Peter Nicholas is son of Nicholas Michael DeSanctis. They live in New York.
David Alexander DeSanctis, son of Peter Nicholas
... . . . ..... .....Paul Christian DeSanctis son of Peter Nicholas
Christian DeSanctis is son of Paul Christian, son of Peter Nicholas, son of Nicholas Michael
.....................................Paul and his son Christian DeSanctis
The Strauss Family. Nicole and Robert with their daughters Sophie and Emily. They live in New York.
Sophie and Emily are daugthers of Nicole Anne, daughter of Peter Nicholas, son of Nicholas Michael DeSanctis.
................................................................................................... ........Emily
Elizabeth Capurso with her husband James and their children Emily, Chris, Arielle and Julia. They live in Massachusets.
Elizabeth is daughter of Ines Rose, daughter of Nicholas Michael DeSanctis.
The Capurso family in Paris, April 2001
Katharine Trongone and her twins Elizabeth and Jeffrey.
They live in N.Y.
Katharine is daughter of Ines Rose, daughter of Nicholas Michael DeSanctis.
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