Dogs                    Bitches                  Collies-in-Italy

jeff blond du clos des abatilles

d.o.b. 08/05/94 - Br. hartge - Own. hartge


vic two bronze de miarka

damirayan don juan

brilyn supertramp

mybern minstrel

brilyn duchesse lace

spittin image of sandiacre

sandiacre softly softly

cliona sapphire

themis de miarka

damirayan don juan

brilyn supertramp

spittin image of sandiacre

kyra vom langbathtal

bririch gold laurel

cosima vom bienenfleiss

lydia vom hause reinhard

buster brown vom hause reinhard

chancellorville aquitane

aberthorne arrester

avaie of arcot of chancellorville

romina vom hause reinhard

cookie vom hause reinhard

carry vom hause reinhard

anna jane vom hause reinhard

chancellorville aquitane

aberthorne arrester

avaie of arcot of chancellorville

rokeby renascent

rainmaker of rokeby

rosalie of rokeby
