About Shane 

In this section you can find the interesting or funny things that people have said about Shane!





TV Hits: Who is the sauciest member of Westlife?

BRYAN: No way. Shane is the sauciest 'cos he loves Ketchup on his chips, heh-heh! Nah, I think it's Shane 'cos he's the best one with the laydees.


TV Hits: Who talks about laydees the most?

NICKY: Shane is probably the worst for spotting a girl and going 'Wow, look at her!'


(From TV Hits, November 2000)

Bezzie Mates: Nicky On Shane


"We try to christen every country in the world with our 'Shnicky' nights, if you know what I mean. [...] There is one annoying thing about him - you can never get his attention. You can be shouting at him for about 4,000 hours before you get through to him. [...] Shane's funny because he tends to fall asleep on a plane as soon as he gets on and the first thing he does when he wakes up, and he's all bleary-eyed - before he says anything to anyone -  is pull the spiky bit of his hair up so that it sticks up. He always does that!"


(From Smash Hits, November 15, 2000)

Shane Filan is a daydreamer... everyone says so.



"He's standing right there and you're shouting his name," shrugs Mark, "and you literally have to hit him on the head to get his attention. His latest excuse is it's a sign of intelligence."  ("A doctor told me it was a sign of intelligence," Shane tells me.)




(From Smash Hits, January 12, 2000)

L&K: What do you most admire about Shane? 

"I think that he's a genuinely lovely guy. He's got a fantastic personality and he is probably my closest friend in the band."


L&K: And what do you like least about the fella? 

"Oooh! It just has to be his attention span. You can be calling him and calling him and he'll just be sitting there watching the tellye or reading, totally ignoring you! And then when he does finally answer you, he's all moody like you've interrupted him or something! And you think, "I've just been trying to get your attention for the last half hour! You eejit!"


(L&K Westlife Special, June 2000)

The biggest misconception of Westlife is...


Bryan: "There was a misconception with Shane that he was good looking (Shane is laughing on his back... he's out of himself!) I... I... I really don't know where that came from, 'cause it's plain to see that he's the ugliest guy in the world."



MTV - Daily Edition

SH: What are yours and the other lads' worst habits?


NICKY: Picking my nose. I try not to do it in public, but if I rub my nose and I feel something there, I have to get it! I never eat it though (pulls a disgusted face)! Shane doesn't listen to you, he's in a world of his own!!!



(Smash Hits, January 26, 2000)

TOTP: Is Shane a good worker?

Mae: Shane’s a good worker at times although when he was younger he’d often prefer to go out and play football. He’d come in for a short while and help us out when we were really busy.

Peter: He’d clear tables and take the money mostly. I think he’s a better waiter than he is a cook. He’s fabulous on the tables. Fabulous!

Mae: Oh, Shane’s a good cook! His best dish is spaghetti bolognaise but his favourite thing to eat is a big fry-up for his breakfast.  

Top Of The Pops, Jan 2000 (issue 59)



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