†ңә щ@ divano re. divano blessi. divano blessia. divano blessia. divano. divano re. divano blessia. divano blessia. sors salutis. et virtutis. michi nunc contraria divano hac in hora. sine mora. corde pulsum tangite. quod per sortem nishatalitha @ 2006-10-03t19:04:00 i feel quite proud of myself. last night, i finished the reality dysfunction, and i even almost want to read the next one. not for a while though, i have plenty of other things to read which i am now catching up on. the chosen by robert nishatalitha @ 2006-10-13t07:38:00 so my book arrived! the sharing knife: beguilment by lois mcmaster bujold. it's lots of fun - there's this joy that seems to sing through it, even in the hard parts. which makes me wonder what is going to happen to the pair of them in nishatalitha @ 2006-10-22t13:11:00 my parents and both sets of grandparents are all lovely people, and gave me money for my birthday. with this and some of my own money, i bought a new hard drive on thursday - 320g, which gives me a ridius amount of space, square pegs? so it's twenty past ten on a saturday morning, and normally, i'd just be getting on the computer, having done some washing, some cleaning, showered, dressed etc etc*. however, i have been up and semi-conscious for about four hours, of hair mostly and a few other things i had my hair cut yesterday. it's something i've been looking forward to for a while and it looks really good, it does. it's just short. well, when i say short, i mean that the ends of it still go past my bra strap, and the shortest music over the past year or so i've become increasingly interested in music. not so much as, say, [info]maudlinrose, but enough that i'm increasingly aware of what i'm listening to. i'm learning what i like and what i don't and it's a nishatalitha @ 2006-10-18t09:58:00 on monday, all three lifts at work were broken for the majority of the day. i walked down all twelve flights, over to fisherman's table on oriental parade and back again, and up all twelve flights of stairs. nishatalitha @ 2006-10-27t23:53:00 i bought shoes today more or less on impulse. they're not the syliest of shoes, but they are opened toed and sandal like and i shall wear them all summer. i thrash my shoes, and hopefully these ones will stand up to it. what's an appropriate name for gmail? i'm currently unsure whether i should be peeved at firefox or gmail or both at the moment. currently, gmail won't open in a firefox tab. it will, however, open just fine in an ie window. i haven't used ie for ages. anyone have any
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