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-    Turkish Embassy


The Lausanne Telegrams

Letter From İsmet Pasha in Lausanne to Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Ankara

My sacred Hero, Leader and Brother,

I cannot describe how much I miss you. There have been other times in Anatolia when we didn't see eachother for months. But I have never felt myself so far away from you with the inability to reach you at once. I am experiencing once again how even the possibility of being able to talk to you and to see you when we wish is what gives us people our strength.

I submit enclosed the proceedings of the conference up to 10 December. We work very hard to keep up to the duties we have undertaken. I have just finished the report of 15 December. It is now four o'clock in the morning as I am writing to you. Even after the most tiring day of work, recalling a memory of you gives the strength of a new life. My dear General, you cannot imagine my homesickness and unhappiness.

Please tell me about the army. Have there been any changes in the commanding positions? I received your telegram. You seemed rested and happy. It was a great consolation to me. You can imagine perfectly how I am under pressure and burdened here. But you also know that your signature is a healer to my sufferings, why don't you write more often? I want to set your mind at rest by telling you how hard we are working.

I had never written to you with such faint disordered handwriting. I repeat that it is because of my homesickness. Will you be pleased with the result, in particular, will I see you again?

I am getting on well in general. We have cooperation and harmony within our delegation. We works seriously. What should I write about business, you will read my report. I am generally respected. We are respected also within the Swiss circle. My dear leader, my dear commander. When will I see you again? Please forgive me for being so familiar in my words, I miss you so much.

The words are insufficient and I am not satisfied with what I have written.


19 December 1922

İsmet İnönü




To His Excellency İsmet Pasha in Lausanne,

I read your letter with deep sensation. I had missed the courier. I was going to answer with a detailed letter. I am so happy to hear your echo in my heart! Can you imagine how I miss you to the same extent? I console myself by thinking of your honourful return after a great success. I follow with pride, the impression you have cased and the strength, intelligence and loyalty you have showed to the whole world.

I am in good health. It makes me very unhappy that we have to be alert and cautious against certain movements in the Assembly. I cannot leave the city. The deep down at tempts of reactionaries trying to have the Khalif given back his rights as Sultan makes me very angry. Fevzi Pasha is in İzmir. Yakup Şevki Pasha has gone to Europe for treatment for his eye. His troops have been affiliated to the West Front. There are no other changes in the commanding posts. The army is well and prepared. I give my love with deepest yearning, my dear brother İsmet.


26 December 1922

Chief Commander

Mustafa Kemal




To His Excellency, Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha,

If the government is determined to reject all we have accepted, this cannot possibly be announced by us. After a lot of meditation, the only way I can think of is for you to announce to the commissionaires in Istanbul your dismissal of our authority to sign. This, no doubt would be a scandal unheard of on earth. However, since our concern for our country is far above that of our personal dignity, we will abide by the decision of the National Government. We do not expect thanks from the government. The evaluation of our efforts are left to the nation and to history.


Lausanne, 18 July, 1923

Ismet (İnönü)




To His Excellency, İsmet Pasha,

I received your telegram dated 18 July, 1923. No one has any hesitations. We are waiting for the news that the Treaty has been officially signed before congratulating the success you have made with warmest and heartfelt feelings, dear brother.


Ankara, 19 July 1923

Ghazi Mustafa Kemal

President of the TGNA, Chief Commander




To His Excellency, Ghazi Mustafa Kemal,

You always come as a Godsend whenever I am troubled. Imagine the suffering I have been through for the last four or five days. You are a man who has accomplished and has had others accomplish magnificent deeds. My devotion for you has increased twice as much. I send my best regards, my dear brother, my beloved leader.


Lausanne, 20 July 1923

İsmet (İnönü)




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