T.C. Roma Büyükelçiliği

Ambasciata    di Turchia -

-    Turkish Embassy


The EU Commission today (October 6th, 2004) published its reports and recommendation prepared in accordance with the decisions taken at the Copenhagen European Council in 2002.


The EU Commission has assessed extensively the steps our country has taken regarding harmonization with the Union and has determined that Turkey has sufficiently met the political criteria


The Commission has thus made a clear recommendation to the Member States to open negotiations with Turkey.


It was emphasized in the recommendation that Turkey was declared and acknowledged as „a country destined to join the EU“ at the 1999 Helsinki European Council and that it was concluded at the Copenhagen European Council in December 2002 that „if the European Council in December 2004, on the basis of a report and a recommendation from the Commission, decides that Turkey fulfills the Copenhagen political criteria, the European Union will open accession negotiations with Turkey without delay.“ In the recommendation, it was further stressed that this decision was reaffirmed at subsequent European Councils.


We welcome these three aspects and consider the Commission’s recommendation as a historic step.


Thus, the success of the reforms undertaken by Turkey has been recognized and acknowledged in the Commission’s recommendation. Turkey has set membership to the EU as a strategic goal for itself and has accordingly fulfilled its responsibilities in order to pave the way for the opening of negotiations. Our Government is committed to continue in this direction.


However, it is noted, that some of the Commission’s proposals relating to the negotiation process and as to the procedures to which Turkey will be subjected differ from those of other candidates as well as from past practices.


Turkey understands the EU’s desire to develop general measures to efficiently implement and monitor the negotiation process. However, it is not possible to conclude that it reflects a constructive and objective approach to propose the adoption of different criteria and methods for Turkey. These proposals which are in contradiction with the decisions taken at the Helsinki European Council of December 1999 as regards the principle of equal treatment for Turkey as other candidates need further discussion.


The EU Heads of State and Government will reach a decision upon the recommendation of the Commission on December 17th. From today onwards, the responsibility to act with political common sense and to act on the basis of the principle of „pacta sunt servanda“ rests with the Member States.


Therefore, we expect the EU Member States, in line with their decisions previously taken, to put into effect without delay the Commission’s recommendation to open negotiations.


Therefore, we deem the timeline ahead as a vital opportunity for both sides to assess appropriately, the Commission’s recommendations and the consequences of adopting them as they stand.


During this period, we will openly and frankly share our views, concerns and expectations relating to the recommendation with the EU Member States at all levels.


Turkey hopes that the Member States will, on December 17th, take an unconditional decision without giving rise in terms of the negotiation process to any discrimination or unequal treatment and in a manner so as to guarantee the sustainability of the negotiation process.


On this occasion, we extend our appreciation to all EU citizens, who have so far given their strong support to Turkey’s integration process with the EU among them distinguished statesmen, politicians, intellectuals, businessmen, members of trade unions.


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