T.C. Roma Büyükelçiliği

Ambasciata    di Turchia -

-    Turkish Embassy


Chronology of Lausanne

4 September 1922 : Mustafa Kemal Pasha receives, during the Great Attack, a telegram from H. Rauf Orbay concerning the intention of the Allies to make peace.

5 September 1922 : Mustafa Kemal Pasha informs H. Rauf Orbay of the conditions for making peace.

7 September 1922 : The representatives of the Allies contact the TGNA goverment in the name of the Greek government for making peace.

9 September 1922 : Turkish cavalry enters Izmir and the Turkish flag is flown at Kadifekale.

12 September 1922 : Chief Commander Mustafa Kemal declares to the nation that Anatolia is freed.

18 September 1922 : French Supreme Commissionaire General Pelle meets with Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Izmir.

23 September 1922 : Foreign Ministers of the Allies issue a note to Chief Commander Mustafa Kemal Pasha concerning ending the military intervention and holding a peace conference.

28 September 1922 : French diplomat Franklin Bouillon meets with Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Izmir. The straits operation is stopped upon the guarantee of Bouillon.

29 September  1922 : Mustafa Kemal Pasha notifies the Allies of the acceptance of the Mudanya Conference.

3 October 1922 : The Mudanya Conference begins.

11 October 1922 : The Mudanya Cease Fire Convention is signed. The Convention came into force on 15 October 1922.

13 October 1922 : The Greek government acknowledges the Mudanya Cease Fire.

20 October 1922 : Refet Pasha comes to Istanbul with 100 gendarmes.

26 October 1922 : Ismet Pasha is elected Foreign Minister in place of Yusuf Kemal Tengirenk who resigned on 25 October 1922.

27 October 1922 : The Allies invite the representatives of the TGNA government and the Istanbul government to the peace conference to be convened in Lausanne on 13 November 1922.

29 October 1922 : The TGNA government notifies the Allies as to their acceptance of the Lausanne Conference.

31 October 1922 : The Board of Ministers determines the candidates for the Turkish delegation in Lausanne: Ismet Pasa, Riza Nur, Hasan Hüsnü.

2 November 1922 : The decision that the government should determine the delegation to participate in Lausanne is taken in the confidential session of the TGNA.

3 November 1922 : TGNA takes the decision for permission for TGNA representatives and members of parliament to take part in the Lausanne Conference.

4-5 November 1922 : The Ankara government notifies the Istanbul goverment that they have taken over control.

5 November 1922 : The Turkish delegation, headed by Ismet Pasha leaves Ankara.

9 November 1922 : The Turkish delegation leaves Istanbul for Lausanne.

11 November 1922 : The Turkish delegation arrives in Lausanne. Ismet Pasha submits a diplomatic note to the Allies reproaching the delay in the commencement of the Conference.

15 November 1922 : Ismet Pasha arrives in Paris from Lausanne. Meets with the French Prime Minister Poincare and Franklin Bouillon.

16 November 1922 : Poincare visits Ismet Pasha in Paris.

17 November 1922 : Ismet Pasha returns to Lausanne from Paris. The last Ottoman Sultan Vahidettin flees to Malta on the British battleship Malaya.

19 November 1922 : Abdulmecit Efendi is elected khalif. Lord Curzon and Poincare arrive in Lausanne. Curzon, Poincare and Mussolini meet outside Lausanne.

20 November 1922 : Opening ceremony of the Lausanne Conference in the Mont Benon casino. Ismet Pasha speaks at the ceremony.

21 November 1922 : Three committees are founded during the first session at Ouchy castle.

28 November 1922 : Ismet Pasha meets British Foreign Minister Lord Curzon to discuss the Musul issue.

30 November 1922 : Eastern Trace is completely evacuated by the Greeks.

2 December 1922 : Ismet Pasha makes a speech at Lausanne concerning the capitulations.

25  December 1922 : In a confidential session at the TGNA, Prime Minister Rauf Orbay gives information concerning Lausanne and discussions are held.

29 December 1922 : Due to the possibility of the Conference breaking up, Chief of Staff Fevzi Çakmak issues a notice of alert to the army.

1 January 1923 : Hasan Saka arrives in Ankara and informs the TGNA in a confidential session about the developments in Lausanne. Discussions continued through 3-4 January.

13 January 1923 : The government declares its views on the Lausanne Conference in the TGNA.

20 January 1923 : At Lausanne, Ismet Pasha presents a list of 26 provinces bumt down by the Greeks.

25 January 1923 : H. Rauf Orbay informs the TGNA about the developments in Lausanne in a confidential session. Discussions are held on the subject.

28 January 1923 : Further discussions in the TGNA concerning the Conference.

30 January 1923 : At Lausanne, two contracts are signed concerning the military and civilian prisoners of war, and the reciprocation of minorities on the basis of their religion.

31 January 1923 : Lord Curzon submits their draft for the peace treaty.

1 February 1923 : Ismet Pasha's speech

3  February 1923 : Prime Minister Rauf Orbay issues instructions concerning the draft peace treaty.

4 February 1923 : The Turkish counter-proposal is submitted. Curzon makes his last statement: "I hope, Ismet Pasha, that you realize I have made sacrifices far beyond what I had accounted for. War may break out anew. I wish you to accept this. You have, Ismet Pasha, half an hour in which to save your country." The Conference breaks up.

7 February 1923 : The Turkish delegation leaves Lausanne.

10 February 1923 : The delegation arrives to Bucarest and Ismet Pasha conveys his report to the government.

16 February 1923 : The Lausanne delegation returns to Istanbul. Ismet Pasha meets with General Harrington.

19 February 1923 : M. Kemal Pasha, on his return fnom Izmir, meets Ismet Pasha in Eskisehir, they go to Ankara together.

21 February 1923 : In the confidential session of the TGNA, Ismet Pasha gives detailed information concerning the talks at Lausanne.

27 February 1923 : Discussions are held at the confidential session of the TGNA concerning the strategy to be followed on the recommencement of peace talks at Lausanne.

2 March 1923 : Further discussions at the confidential session of the TGNA concerning the Lausanne Conference. Discussions were continued in confidential sessions held through 3-6 March 1923.

6 March 1923 : Mustafa Kemal Pasha states: "This draft for peace cannot be accepted." During the confidential session of the TGNA the proposal to give a vote of confidence to the government is accepted.

8 March  1923 : The counter draft for the peace treaty prepared by the Ankara government is submitted to the representatives of the Allies in Istanbul.

31 March 1923 : The representatives of the Allies meet in London and ask the Ankara government to send their delegation back to Lausanne.

7 April 1923 : TGNA government notifies the Allies that talks will resume on 23 April 1923.

17 April 1923 : The Turkish delegation leaves Ankara for Istanbul.

18 April 1923 : The Turkish delegation leaves Istanbul for Lausanne. The delegation reached Lausanne on 21 April 1923.

23 April 1923 : The second term Lausanne Conference starts.

16 May 1923 : Ismet Pasha proposes the abolishment of the capitulations at Lausanne.

19 May 1923 : The 26th article concerning the capitulations is accepted. Ismet Pasha asks H. Rauf Orbay for instructions concerning the handing over of Karaagaç in exchange for war indemnity.

23 May 1923 : Prime Minister H.Rauf Orbay answers: "No."

24 May 1923 : Ismet Pasha send a telegramme to M. Kemal Pasha in complaint of the government.

27 May 1923 : M. Kemal Pasha sends Ismet Pasha his telegramme concerning the compensation issue.

28 May 1923 : Ismet Pasha draws back from insisting on the Adakale and Meis islands.

26  June 1923 : The Greek delegation accept to hand over Karaagaç. Rumbold and Ismet Pasha agree to leave the  question of the Irapi borderline until after the conference.

8 July 1923 : The government approves the decree for the acceptance of the draft prepared in Lausanne. The Turkish-Greek protocol concerning the compensation of war is signed.

11 July  1923 : The draft for the protocol for evacuation is finalized.

16 July 1923 : Last meetings of the Conference.

17 July 1923: The text of  the Lausanne Treaty is finalized.

18 July 1923 : Ismet Pasha sends a telegram to M. Kemal Pasha from Lausanne, stating that they are waiting for approval from the government to sign the Treaty.

19 July 1923 : M. Kemal Pasha's telegram arrives to Ismet Pasha stating that they may sign the documents.

20 July 1923 : Ismet Pasha replies to M. Kemal Pasha by cable.

24 July 1923 : The signature ceremony of The Lausanne Peace Treaty. M. Kemal Pasha's telegram to Ismet Pasha congratulating him on his success.

25 July 1923 : Prime Minister H. Rauf Orbay congratulates Ismet Pasha and the Lausanne delegation.

10 August 1923 : The Turkish delegation arrives in Istanbul and is met with a ceremony.

11 August  1923 : Ismet Pasha meets with General Harrington. Ismet Pasha speaks at the Istanbul University on the occasion of the university donating him Associate Professor.

13 August 1923 : Ismet Pasha is met in Ankara by M. Kemal Pasha, with ceremony.

23 August 1923 : The Lausanne Peace Treaty is approved by the TGNA after Ismet Pasha's explanations.

23-24 August 1923 : The representatives of the Allies are notified of the approval of the Lausanne peace Treaty.

15 September 1923 : The Karaagaç station is taken over from the Greeks in accordance with the Lausanne Treaty.

21 September 1923 : Bozcaada is taken over from the Greeks.

22 September 1923 : Imroz island is taken over from the Greeks.

2 October 1923 : The last troops of the Allies leave Istanbul.

6 October 1923 : Turkish troops led by Şükrü Naili (Gökberk) Pasha enter Istanbul and are met with exhuberation.

11 January 1924 : The Treaty is approved by the Italian parliament.

10 April 1924 : The Treaty is approved by the British in the House of Commons.

6 August 1924 : The Treaty is put into force.

27 August 1924 : The Treaty is approved by the French parliament.

16 December 1925 : The League of Nations takes the decision that the "Brussels Line", approved on 29 April 1924, be the permanent borderline between Turkey and Iraq.

5 June 1926 : The treaty defining the borderline between Turkey and Iraq is signed in Ankara, between Turkey, Britain and Iraq.

1 July 1926 : The Turkish Coastal Trade Law is put into force.

10 June 1930: The treaty concerning the reciprocation of  Turks and Greeks is signed between Turkey and Greece.



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