T.C. Roma Büyükelçiliği

Ambasciata    di Turchia -

-    Turkish Embassy



Atatürk's Message to the Army of the Turkish Republic

To the heroic Turkish Army, whose history and victories began with the history of mankind, and who have carried the light of civilisation before you in all your conquests.

In critical and difficult times you have saved the country from cruelty, unhappiness, harassment and from invading enemies. In these important times for the Republic I have no doubt that armed with the most modern weaponry and military technology you will continue to carry out your duty as you have done in the past.

On this, the 15th Anniversary of the Turkish Republic, whose wealth and strength continues to grow for all to see, I, in interpreting the feelings of our great nation, express my sincere thanks to our heroic army.

Together with our great nation, I have faith and confidence that you will be ready at all times to do your duty to protect the honour and glory of the Turkish Fatherland and society against any possible danger from both within and outside. By means of the most modern equipment and weapons given to the army by the nation I am sure that by your unselfishness and readiness to lay down your lives you will do your duty.

With this conviction I great and congratulate you, the heroic and experienced commanders, officers and servicemen of our land, sea and air forces.

I wish you a happy 15th Anniversary of the Republic!


29th October 1938

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk



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