T.C. Roma Büyükelçiliği

Ambasciata    di Turchia -

-    Turkish Embassy



On 3 October 2005, the EU took a historic decision and started accession negotiations with Turkey. This heralds the beginning of a new period for the European Union integration process with all its wider implications. There is now a wider perspective of strategic, social and cultural strength for the Union.



During the negotiating process which seemingly will be the subject of intense debate, the universality of the system of values that underpin Europe will be put to test as well. I have no doubt that the support of Italy and the Italian people will not only continue but also grow throughout this process.


It is the robust and diverse relationship which we have enjoyed with the Italians over the centuries that leads me to this conclusion. As you may be aware, we, the Anatolian Turks, are the last inheritors of what is known as the “Anatolian Civilization”. This civilization, not counting the previous ones, starts mainly with the Hittites, encompasses the ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman eras. This also happens to be our common heritage, yours and ours. Within this heritage, the values of the East and West are intertwined, enriched and imbued. This heritage is preeminent among the formative elements of a country and its people, Turkey, where contemporary democratic values have taken root. 



Turkey is presently the anti-thesis of a looming clash of civilizations which we are all working to avert and the finest example that democracy and the Muslim faith are not incompatible. In addition, being at the epicentre of intercontinental trade routes, energy producing areas and the corridors that link them to markets by virtue of her geographic situation, Turkey, with its extensive fertile lands, rich natural resources, young and dynamic population, increasingly formidable economy, stable democratic and legal system is more and more valuable and sought after partner. All these are among the realities that have induced the European leaders to give the green light to Turkish membership to the EU, a decision with Italy has strongly supported. We do appreciate this support.



Having had close intensive relations throughout their historical past, today, Italy and Turkey are cooperating within international organizations such as UN, Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE, OECD to which they are both members, for the promotion of global peace, stability and tranquility as well as for the prosperity and development of humanity.



Furthermore, my optimism regarding the Italian-Turkish relationship is further bolstered since we can see it continuing to develop in all fields, to the benefit of both countries and their citizens. Friendships between peoples have an important place in relations between countries. We, like you are Mediterranean. The similarities between our temperament, tastes and values are indeed deep. As we get to know each other better, release ourselves from our preconceptions, we will be better able to pursue our efforts to further democracy and prosperity within the basin of the Sea that we share, the Mediterranean, as well as in other areas. Turkey stands ready to work with you to this end even more intensely.



Now a few words to my dear countrymen who have come to Italy, to establish work, study or for any other purpose. Respect the laws and social norms of this country where you are living. Be active in society. I am sure you will have no difficulty in forming friendships. I expect you to build bridges of friendship which will bring about a better understanding between the two peoples. Promote information about our country and encourage visits to Turkey. Please forward to us whatever requests you may have or obstacles you may face. We are here to help you and your Embassy is your second home. I want you to know that I am proud of each and everyone of you and count on your support for the endeavours we will undertake in the coming days.



Uğur Ziyal



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