T.C. Roma Büyükelçiliği

Ambasciata    di Turchia -

-    Turkish Embassy



The upcoming final months of this year will be a crucial period both for Turkey and for the European Union.


Following the EU Commission report that was released in October, the decision regarding the starting of the accession negotiations with Turkey will be taken in the December EU Summit. We believe that the decision will be positive.


However, by then every single day should be used efficiently and the mutually unwanted negative developments should be eliminated. In this context the main responsibility lies with the proponents of the EU in Turkey as well as the friends of Turkey in Europe.


On the way to the EU membership, Turkey has always received strong support from the Italian government. Appreciating and being grateful for this, we are also confident that Italy will continue to extend its support to Turkey.


Availing this opportunity I would like to indicate that throughout history the essence of Turkish-Italian relations is the sentiments of mutual friendship. These sentiments have formed such a powerful base that in spite of some occasional crises and even of wars, the relations between the two countries have resulted in an atmosphere in which friendship dominated. Mutual understanding and friendship have always prevailed.


Turks and Italians have thus become distinguished as the two nations, which have preferred and succeeded in deriving friendship instead of enmity from history. Having these characteristics Turkey and Italy should be considered as an example to many other countries, which have failed to do so.


I believe that, as in the past, in the near future as well, Turkey and Italy will proceed on the way to the EU together.



Necati UTKAN




* H.E. Ambassador Necati Utkan was the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Rome between 4 February 1999 to 27 November 2004.



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