Vol. 10 No. 29 : 2 September 2004

Turkey’s ‘silent revolution’ paves way for accession talks

By Martti Ahtisaari

IN DECEMBER 2002, European heads of state and government for the first time offered Turkey a concrete prospect of accession negotiations to enter the European Union. This decision took place more than four decades after Turkey applied for associated membership of the European Community.

Turkey has undergone a “silent revolution” in recent years in trying to meet the political criteria necessary for membership of the EU. Eight legislative harmonization packages and many constitutional reforms have fundamentally transformed political, legal and institutional structures. The duties, powers and functioning of the National Security Council (NSC) have been substantially amended, bringing the framework of civil-military relations closer to accepted practice in the EU. Human and minority rights have been strengthened. Turkey is on its way to transforming itself into a modern participatory democracy. The Independent Commission on Turkey is of the view that the accession negotiations should be opened as soon as Turkey fulfils the Copenhagen political criteria.
It is obvious that the accession of Turkey would have remarkable economic, societal and institutional implications for the EU, as well as for Turkey itself. The history of Turkey marks the region as one of the cradles of European civilization. Yet Turkey’s ongoing transformation ensures that it is not only history that binds it to Europe. The reforms carried out by Turkey in just two years are an impressive sign of motivation for accession. Turkey needs Europe.
The EU also has a lot to gain from Turkey’s accession. Europe can send a powerful message to the world that Samuel P. Huntington’s seminal article, ‘The Clash of Civilizations’ in Foreign Affairs, is not an ineluctable destiny. Turkey’s geopolitical position is an important factor with regard to Europe’s security, including the security of Europe’s energy supplies. With Turkey inside, the EU could take major steps in developing Europe’s relations with the Muslim world.
Public opinion in several European countries has become sceptical of Turkey’s membership. Situated on the fringes of Europe with an overwhelmingly Muslim population, Turkey faces not only genuine concerns about its socio-economic conditions but also prejudiced emotional arguments, as unfamiliar social and cultural traditions are feared. Moreover, some think political Islam may one day be an important factor in one large member state.
Scepticism on Turkish accession seems to be strongest in those countries that have the largest Turkish minorities. Turkey is evaluated and judged on the basis of experiences with Turkish immigrants whose integration to these countries has often been a challenge. Fear of new immigrants boosts scepticism. I believe that immigration from Turkey would actually constitute one of the positive economic impacts that Turkey’s accession could have, bearing in mind the unfavourable demographic prospects in western and eastern Europe.
It is well-known that some traditional practices which abuse women and girls still continue, in particular in eastern and south-eastern Turkey. This situation cannot be tolerated or justified in a modern state. At the same time, the secular system has the overwhelming support of Turkey’s population. The Turkish authorities have stood firmly behind eliminating discriminatory practices. According to a recent study, although the majority of Turkish people consider themselves devoted and practising Muslims, they do not believe that religion should play a role in politics.
There is opposition to Turkish accession in Turkey too. Some of those opposing membership seek an opportunity to put an end to the promises of the ‘silent revolution’.
In the coming months it is vital that European governments discuss legitimate concerns, as well as misconceptions and fears, with their citizens. This is necessary not only to provide Turkey with a fair opportunity after four decades, but also to sustain momentum for reform in Turkey. Through its active and constructive role, it is essential that the European Parliament should try to bridge the gap between government positions in the European Council and public opinion.

  • Martti Ahtisaari is a former president of Finland and chairman of Crisis Management Initiative. He is chairman of the Independent Commission on Turkey, formed by a group of former heads of state and government, foreign ministers and European commissioners, to stimulate balanced debate on Turkish accession.

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