Sitografia selezionata

- Servizio Associazione Psicologo di strada Onlus

- International Centre for Prison Studies, kings college london

- Esperimento Carcerario di Stanford

- Women's Prison Association

- Osservatorio Nazionale Violenza Domestica

- Convict Criminology

Diritto penale, criminologia e psicologia

- Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza (RCVS)

- The British Journal of Criminology

- American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry

- Behavioral Sciences and the Law

- Canadian Journal of Criminology

- Child Abuse & Neglect

- Criminal Behavior and Mental Health

- Criminal Justice and Behavior

- Criminology

- Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law

- Journal of Behavioral Profiling

- Journal of Forensic Psychiatry

- Law and Human Behavior

- Psicologia e Giustizia

- Psychiatry, Psychology and the Law

- Psychology, Crime and Law

