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Semicolon Use
An independent clause must follow a semicolon
Impermissible Punctuation
"Semicolon use (consider revising)." It didn't say there was anything wrong with my semicolon use; semicolon use is just inherently suspect, evidently. I may be overly biddable, easily led to squander my time at all manner of
Use and misuse of the serial comma
It would be preposterous to many Britons to write, “Study the rules for the use of the comma, the semicolon, and the colon,” because that is synonymous with writing “Study the rules for the use of the comma and the semicolon and and the
How to use the semicolon properly
Here’s today’s piece of self betterment tutelage for the wannabe grammar nazis among us: How to use the semicolon properly
long, notes on comma splices
The order may perhaps be given as: and, or, but, so, nor, for; conjunctions less common than these should scarcely ever be used with less than a semicolon; and many good writers would refuse to put a mere comma before for.
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If the expression ends with a semicolon, the combined code will not be syntactically correct. In the final example of Chapter 5, we used actions to fill out the form fields with UserInfoBean values. To recap, it looked like this:
Punctuation Explained
The comma is a speed bump; the semicolon is what a driver education teacher calls a “rolling stop”; the parenthetical expression is a detour; Clark's metaphor for punctuation helps us understand why we use punctuation as well as how
File System Commands Creating, Moving, and Removing Files
A semicolon is used to separate multiple commands on the same line. 7. Next, we’ll start the cleanup. Use rm to remove the file name.txt, and use ls to check it: $ rm name.txt $ ls -al total 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 deepakt users 0 Jan 16 17:29
Re: [CHMINF-L] Citing SciFinder
For the calculated data, I'd think that you could use the same basic format up to the semi-colon after the accessed date, and then after the semicolon use the appropriate citation format (journal article or whatever) for the reference.
Grammar: The Proper Use of Semicolons
A semicolon should be used to separate two constructions of generally equal weight. Remember, a semicolon is stronger than a comma, but weaker than a period. Generally, a semicolon is used to separate two independent clauses without a
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