Why you might need the administrator password But, if you're a "power user", if you've left Sunrocket to go with another provider and you want to unlock your Gizmo, you will need it. Some of the things that can be done with the administrator password are:. Edit your SIP settings, Firmware! Get Your Firmware Here!! As I outlined below, one of the many advantages of having the admin password to your Gizmo is the ability to upload new firmware. For the AC-211-SR, the most current version is 4.62.14 (both APP and LDR). For the Innomedia, it's 3.0.77. AC-211-SR Password To log into the AC-211-SR: 1. Open a web browser to 2. Password is either "18," or "io$c6%2" without the quotes Innomedia Password To log into the Innomedia: 1. Open a browser window to http://192.168. 251.1/Voice_adminPage.htm 2. Log in with:. username: admin password: IM_Yass@Sun Needed: Linksys ATA and AC-211-N Passwords If you have the admin passwords to either of these devices, please let me know Are You A Sunrocket VoIP User? If so, and if you consider yourself a power user, this site may be useful to you. It has the administrator passwords to the "Gizmo" ATA that Sunrocket uses Loosing Internet with SunRocket Gizmo Login in to the SunRocket Gizmo (Innomedia) thru username of “user” and the password of “welcome. 4. Go to IP Network>Voice QoS Settings and click on enable data bandwith control. Set Max Wan Uplink speed to 80% of Gizmo Project General Discussion :: "Unauthorized" from SIP All of a sudden I had no dialtone, so I checked the logs on my AC-211 (unlocked SunRocket box) and it is getting the message "unauthorized" from Gizmo. I double checked my account info, password, etc with no luck. I'm behind a router, MAC cloning (2) When prompted for username/password, enter “user” and “welcome” (3) Select IP Network|MAC Cloning (4) Check the box, “Enable MAC Address Cloning” (5) Click button, “Update and Reboot” (6) After reboot completes power down gizmo, voip service Sun Rocket Voip Sunrocket Sunrocket Adapter Sunrocket Asterisk Sunrocket Broadband Sunrocket Caller Id Sunrocket Com Sunrocket Coupon Sunrocket Fax Sunrocket Forum Sunrocket Forums Sunrocket Gizmo Sunrocket Gizmo Password
gizmo+password+sunrocket: gizmo+password+sunrocket