DAILY EXPRESS NEWS Sabah Daily Express Kota Kinabalu : More Primary Six pupils passed their Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) examination this year but their poor grasp of the English language is worrying education chiefs in Sabah. No matter the chill in the air, we love a parade Rockford Register Star M User login Cornell Daily Sun Baker 200 is a typical, quaint lecture hall atop the highest hill on campus, notorious for some of Cornell’s rigorous chemistry courses by day. But Wednesday night, this was a full house, with science and non-science students alike. Strange? Carburante giallo per risollevare Alitalia Miaeconomia Come una ragazza di buona famiglia purtroppo rimasta senza dote, Alitalia pare essere un po’ a corto di pretendenti. Maglione infeltrito Miaeconomia Non si può certo dire che questi siano mesi tranquilli per la famiglia Benetton: da una parte il braccio di ferro con il governo sulla questione Autostrade, e adesso anche questo inatteso terremoto nella storica azienda di famiglia, che in un colpo solo perde l’ad e il direttore finanziario. Pagamenti tracciabili fino a 1.000 euro Miaeconomia L’aula della Camera ha dato il via libera all’articolo 5 della Finanziaria che prevede una modifica sulla tracciabilità dei compensi ai professionisti: dal primo luglio 2009, infatti, i pagamenti superiori a 100 euro dovranno obbligatoriamente essere effettuati con carta di credito, Bancomat o assegni per consentire la tracciabilità delle somme. Murder-suicide victims identified; husband worked in family business, Sinnett Builders of Fort Collins Greeley Tribune The Fort Collins coroner's office identified this morning the couple that died in a domestic disturbance Saturday in south Fort Collins. Ben Cina Trio rocks the house house house The Battalion The lights were dim. Cold metal chairs were dispersed randomly. From Brasov with Bwahahahaha!!!! Chicago Business Did you notice there were practically no 3rd round admits on the Random Walks? That's because we slackers got shut out. We are the waitlistees and procrastinators, the people to watch out for as you form your study groups. Usually we are pretty good bs'ers, too, as this tactic has often bailed us out of last-minute situations in the past. Sertich listened to good parental advice Mesabi Daily News ST. PAUL — Joe and Nancy Sertich of Chisholm encouraged their son, Tony, to “dream big and reach for the stars.” Last Thursday, 30-year-old Rep. Tony Sertich reached high for a legislative leadership position and showed that he is certainly a rising star in Minnesota’s DFL Party.