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Images: Can the Hummer turn over a new leaf?
CNET News. Despite the occasional sound bite from Detroit or Sacramento about green-tuning the Hummer, the General Motors uber-SUV isn't much of a player in the alternative fuels field. But that doesn't mean we can't at least imagine
Comment on Competitors of PodTech that I love, er, going to the
Robert Scoble was kind enough to mention b5media in a post looking at “content malls”. We prefer to call ourselves a “global new media company” or “the world’s third-largest blogging network”…:)… but I’m not about to quibble at all if
Alky project is reborn - Prey Demo running natively on OSX
He has moved on to co-found Falling Leaf Systems, LLC which today announces the launch of their Sapling program, allowing users to convert the Prey Demo to run natively on Mac OSX - Linux coming soon
The fun of Photowalking
I believe the term "Photowalking" was first coined by Robert Scoble when he did a 4 episodes series called "Photowalking with Thomas Hawk", where he simply walked along with a well known professional photographer by the name of Thomas
Thanksgiving Supper 2006
And Robert Scoble, now a fellow coastsider, has asked for recipes. add chiffonade sage [1 leaf per potato or to taste], let it sizzle for a minute, fresh thyme, fresh ginger grated, a bouquet garni of bay leaf, cinnamon, nutmeg,
Images: Can the Hummer turn over a new leaf?
the General Motors uber-SUV isn’t much of a player in the alternative fuels field. But that doesn’t mean we can’t at least imagine what an eco-friendly Hummer might look like. Original post by Robert Scoble and software by Elliott Back
Does Microsoft Have A Replacement For Scoble?
And that knowledge is pretty much down to one person - Robert Scoble. When he was working at Microsoft, his blog was a great single source of MS information - providing an overview of the important stuff (big projects and small) going
Cigarette based display system
Artist David Moises created a display made from 35 cigarettes that "burns" simple letters and symbols - Be sure to check more of his work, including the "healed home exercise bike", house on a swing and a hovercraft powered by a leaf
PR Meetup in Toronto
The next meeting - Sept. 26 - features blogging guru and author Shel Israel (make sure to bring your passport this time, Shel!), who wrote Naked Conversations with Robert Scoble. He’ll be talking about blogging and social media,
Targeted TV vs. Couch Potatoes
As someone who doesn't watch a lot of TV (other than Toronto Maple Leaf games and the NFL on Sunday), I can't wait. Tomorrow's Media Theme: the New Update: Robert Scoble has a post on the challenges facing Internet video business.
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