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Mt.Hood Meadows
This photo was taken on the Mt. Hood Meadows Nordic Track -- by Amadeus [www.dharmavision.org] taken around Sandy
AP: 1 Missing Climber Found Dead on Mt. Hood
mlink(STRY:; PHOTO:KSD114-1217060839; AUDIO:%mlink) %mlink(STRY:; PHOTO:KSD110-1217060836; AUDIO:%mlink) %mlink(STRY:; PHOTO:KSD109-1217060732; AUDIO:%mlink) %mlink(STRY:; PHOTO:ORRB110-1217060938; AUDIO:%mlink) %mlink(STRY:;
Mt Hood Meadows - Weekend #2 - Simon’s Pictures
This entry is a stub and will be edited. Here are some pics from Simon’s camera
Mt Hood in Winter
Let me know what you think. Thanks, Craig
Majestic Mt. Hood
Comments appreciated
Mt. Hood Accident Update: Photo With Routes Overlayed
Someone on Cascade Climbers highlighted the various routes on Hood. Speculations is that the two remaining climbers may have disappeared in and around the "gullies." Green line is Cooper Spur. Red line is left NF gully.
Leica lens hood? focusing mount? what is it?
Hi, I'm hoping that someone can help me figure out what this Leica item is in the photograph. The diameter of its base is approximately 2.5 inches or about 55mm to 60mm. The diameter of the top opening
Mt. Hood
Photo shows the headwaters of the Sandy River on the western slope of Mt. Hood. Timber growth is slowly covering the scars of a forest fire which probably raged around 1890.<br>Mt. Hood, 11245 feet high, was named in 1792 in honor of
Mt Hood Meadows - Weekend #2 - Simon&#39;s Pictures
This entry is a stub and will be edited.Here are some pics from Simon's [posted on thomasng dot net on 12/17 at 5:27 PM
AP: Storm Hampers Search on Mt. Hood
mlink(STRY:; PHOTO:ORRB111-1212061033; AUDIO:%mlink) %mlink(STRY:; PHOTO:ORRB110-1212061033; AUDIO:%mlink) ^AP Photo ORRB103, ORRB105, ORRB111, ORRB110
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