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Unitànote:if you want the AI to work properly, you must modify yourself rev40.gp4. For now there aren't other ways to fix all bugs RebelsAstromech droid - completo al 90%, i suoni vanno per forza fissati in rev40.gp4 53k a new sound category must be added in rev40.gp4 => TXT
Air supply Tug - completo al 90% 21k
Bothan Terrorist - completo al 100% 15k
Skyhopper - completo al 99% 88k a new sound category must be added in rev40.gp4 => TXT -Imp. Authority Textures required. converted from Imperial Authority minipack by Maestro.
ImperialsStap - completo al 90% 20k
Land Pad - completo al 90% 35k
Lambda class Shuttle - completo al 90% 28k -Imp. Authority Textures required. converted from Imperial Authority minipack by Maestro. Republic Scout Tank - completo al 90% 26k
Dwarf Spider Droid - completo al 99% 36k
Missionionly-for-mission units: VehiclesAir Taxi - completo al 99% 65k N/A Speeder1 - completo al 99% N/A Supply Hover Truck - completo al 99% N/A Supply Hover Truck - completo al 99% N/A Heavy Space Cargo - completo al 85% N/A StructuresLaser Tower - completo al 99% N/A Air Repair Bay - completo al 99% N/A MappeYou may need Core Contingency, Battle Tactics, TAMEC hpi, Creon and SWTA features and Tatooine buildings Outlaw Desert 30x30 Tatooine map -10 players - hills, canyons, town, desert Windy land 30x30 green map - 10 player - flat terrain under Hailstorm Lake 30x30 green map - 10 player - assault by air, water and ground. but watch for ambushes! Heavy Battleground 25x25 green map - 10 player - two teams in a large scale battle. hills and mountains in the middle.
Adv. Fighter pack bugfix risolve alcuni problemi di swta con la versione italiana di TA 705k Imp.Authority textures (by Maestro) textures addon 72k