Let's begin with some animated effects... Below you can see a first effect (in my opinion very nice) that I've put on an original Shaina's pic; I hope your browser supports the javascripts^^.. Enjoy with your mouse, running it on the water drops! If you like this first effect, please let me know, and... I'll increase this section!
... let's continue with some animated GIF^^ Here they are some animated GIf on Shaina. To avoid a very slow download, I've put here only the first imagine of the sequence... if you want to see the rest, and maybe to download the GIF in your PC, click on the corresponding link. Thanks, and have fun!
Then, and animated sequence... This cool animation was created by my dearest friend Emily Shen, Webmistress of "The Temple of Hermes", as a present for me... It's the most incredibile present I've ever received from an Internet friend, and I'll be grateful to Em-chan till the death. Thanks Em-chan!!! I hope our friendship will be forever!!!
But also... a beautiful wallpaper!
... and finally: skins for the browser!! I've decided to create some skins for the browsers, so that everyone can add a little Shaina (and other StS characters will come soon) to the browser he/she uses to surf in the Net. Using the skin is very simple: First step: go to the site www.hotbar.com and download the little program you need to personalize your browser Second step: choose the skin you prefer! To download it, click on the imagine below, that is also a preview of the way the skin will appear in your browser. Easy, ne? Have fun and let me know if you like my skins^^ |