February 11 2007 Market
Bulb/Root vegetables: turnips, rutabagas, black radish, scarlet Nantes carrots, cornmeal & grits, smallage, winter squash (Hubbard, Queensland Blue, Musque), Other: cabbage (green & red), bok choy, pumpkin, winter squash.
December 17 2006 Market
Bulb/Root vegetables: Turnips, rutabagas, black radish, Scarlet Nantes carrots, leeks, smallage, winter squash (BlueHubbard and Galineux d'Elysines). Other: Corn, pole beans, pumpkins, shell beans (borlotti), winter squash.
Julefrokost, Squash & more - Settling down in Copenhagen, Denmark
By Saturday evening, the atmosphere at Odense Squash & Motions (fitness) Klub was much like any Squash tournament in Seattle, Vancouver, Portland, Whistler, San Francisco, Las Vegas, London, Cambridge, Nantes or pick your city of play.
November 5 Market
Bulb/Root vegetables: Turnips, rutabagas, black radish, Scarlet Nantes carrots, pimiento piquilo, tomatoes, summer squash, winter squash, zucchini. Little Pots and Pans: savory tarts (new flavor: Curried Butternut Squash).
WHB # 59 Round Up
Butternut Squash by Virginie of Absolute Green from Nantes, France Virginie turns out an inspired-by-Kalyn version. Butternut Squash and Tofu marinated with Rosemary and Basalmic Vinegar sounds like a beautiful idea for a winter salad.
Weekend Herb Blogging # 58 - The Roundup
Nantes, France If you are looking for something vegan and gluten free for the Oh boy this one recipe sounds just too good not to include - it does have squash in it. Another way to use up squash is to make a creative side dish.
November 19 2006 Market
Bulb/Root vegetables: Turnips, rutabagas, black radish, Scarlet Nantes carrots, Other: Corn, pole beans, pumpkins, shell beans (borlotti), winter squash. pole beans (yellow, green), eggplant, tomatoes, pumpkin, winter squash.
Exactly how many people are you feeding?
Japanese White; Greenlof Chicory, Rhodos; Carrots, Nantes II, dragon, oxheart Winter Squash, Waltham Butternut, pontimarron, sugar baby pumpkin (maybe) Watermelon, saved ?, golden midgit, citron; Summer Squash, black beauty,
Weekend Herb Blogging #57 Recap: Look What We're Cooking
Last week she posted The How-to of Winter Squash, complete with lots of information about varieties of squash, the history of its use, and of course, recipes. Nantes, France Whenever I visit the blog of Virginie of Absolutely Green,
October 8 Market
Other: Pole beans, shell beans (borlotti), summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes. Gathering Together Farm, Philomath: Bulb/Root vegetables: red, white and purple potatoes, onions (red, sweet), scallions, carrots (Nantes, Purple Haze),
squash+nantes: squash+nantes