liquidmetal radical mp vs os
tried both. it just seems that the oversize is much easier to play with and gives alot more power and more spin potential than the midplus. thought about getting me one but decided not to
flexpoint radical vs. liquidmetal radical
so a while back(maybe 1/2 a year) i demoed the flexpoint radical mp. loved the feel but it felt to heavy for me then. about 2 months ago i picked up the liquidmetal radical and fell in love. since then i have bought two liquidmetals and
Just demoed a Head Liquidmetal Radical
i was playing with this racquet today and it felt great. good control and nice serves. if thinking of getting one, anyone comments about this racquet
nsix-one 18x20
i currently use the liquidmetal radical mp and love it. but im thinking about switching to something heavier, even though i've leaded both of my radicals up to 11.8 ounces. im looking at the nsix-one 18x20 because ill be going to
liquidmetal radical
so i just got my second liquidmetal radical from my friend today for $55. great condition at least 8.5/10 only because of the headguard condition but i have head saver tape for that :). also i was wondering if my first radical could be
Is the Flexpoint Radical MP much more flexible than the
I picked up my brother's Liquidmetal Radical MP today and was amazed at how much control I had with the racquet. I think this may be the best control frame I've ever used. The problem is I tried the LM Radical MP briefly a year or so
HEAD Liquidmetal Radical MP [or] BABOLAT Aeropro Drive?
What are the pro and cons of these 2 racquets? Which one do you think is better suited toward a beginner? Also, in your opinion, which one do you think is better overall? Thanks
For Head Liquidmetal Radical users
What racquet did you switch to after this racquet if any and how do you like your new racquet
TW Racquet Liquidation
I was really looking at the Dunlop 200 M-Fil 2006. The reviews were good. I have used a Prince TT Rebel for several years. Before that the old TiRadical. How does the Liquidmetal Radical compare to the old TiRad?
weird copies
on it looked nice but was very light around 10 oz. maybe 1/2-1 pt hl. also sold for $30 there. i wouldn't mind purchasing one of each to try :). but i think i would rather save up to get me a new actual liquidmetal radical :p
radical+liquidmetal: radical+liquidmetal