As often for all the feudal possessions of Genoese families in Provence, Liguria and Corsica, the Grimaldis ruled over Monaco with the title of signori, or lords, and only assumed the title of prince in the 17th century.
Chinese New Year Traditions
Marie Osmond, Luciano Pavorotti, Prince Rainer of Monaco, Ronald Reagan, Lee Remick, Ginger Roger, Peter Sampras, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Spielberg, Emma Thompson, Tracey Ullman, and the Duchess of York.
The Billion Tree Campaign
The campaign, backed by Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Green Belt Movement activist Professor Wangari Maathai, His Serene Highness Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco and the World Agroforestry Centre-ICRAF, was unveiled at the annual
Environment And Global Warming Tops Monaco Agenda
The world's environment and in particular global warming and the environment have been the top issues for Prince Albert of Monaco, and while he is preparing to mark the first year of his succession to the Principality of Monaco,
Prince Albert II of Monaco Hosts Charity Film Festival
THE PRINCIPALITY OF MONACO’S LEADING FILM EVENT Monaco Charity Film Festival CELEBRATES Its 2nd YEARParis… 19 January 2007 Monaco May 14 – 19 2007 HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco will play host to the country’s foremost cinema event when
2006 Sucess For Prince Albert Of Monaco In Year One
Climate Change and the environment have been the top issues for Prince Albert of Monaco, and while he celebrates the first year of his succession to the Principality of Monaco, a local destination guide suggests that the second smallest
Prince Albert Leads Monaco To Better Environment
Just a year after Prince Albert of Monaco began a campaign to increase awareness of the impact of global warming among his fellow world leaders, Monaco itself has dramatically improved its own record on the environment among a group of
First Year Success For Monaco Prince Posted By : Robert Palmer
It's just over a year since Prince Albert took the reins of power in the small European country of Monaco, and he has been busy making his presence felt
SURREAL ESTATE - Monaco Millionaires' Victory At Sea
Gold digging ladies in the market for real estate and a pawing by Prince Albert of Monaco's might just be in luck. The tiny principality, which boasts more millionaires per capita than any other place on earth (and a population density
The 5 Smallest Countries in the World.
When the reigning prince realized that most of Monaco’s natural resources were on the land that got bartered away, he decided to bet the whole economy on … what else, gambling (see, casinos aren’t only for American Indians,

Monaco Launches Radical Plan To Cut Carbon Emissions Press Release Network
Monaco has led the small countries of the world in the campaign to heighten awareness of environmental issues since Prince Albert became Sovereign in 2005, and has launched a radical plan of its own to cut carbon emissions. [Wired by:]
Six legendary landmark resorts MSNBC
New hotels open all the time. Some stay. Some go. And some -- through a combination of ambience, service, history and sheer survival -- become legends. We visited six romantic landmarks that have withstood the test of time and still offer singular appeal to classic-minded couples. Here’s why.
South Africa: Princess Caroline Sees City 'Miracle'
PRINCESS CAROLINE of Monaco arrived in Cape Town this weekend and visited a child care centre in Macassar which the principality has funded.
Princess Caroline visits child centre Independent Online
Princess Caroline of Monaco has arrived in Cape Town and visited a child care centre in Macassar funded by an organisation she is involved with.
True love in Hollywood splitsville
NESTOR U. TORRE - MANILA, Philippines--MOST SHOW BIZ MARRIAGES START at the altar, but end up in divorce courts. Just ask Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, Britney Spears and Kevin Federline.
Giselle Pascal Independent
Giselle Marie Madeleine Tallone (Giselle Pascal), actress: born Cannes, France 17 September 1921; married 1955 Raymond Pellegrin (one daughter); died Nîmes, France 2 February 2007.
Forget The Super Bowl, It Was All About Super Celebs! AccessHollywood
MIAMI, FL (February 5, 2007) -- The Indianapolis Colts may have swept the Super Bowl, but what Hollywood will remember about the weekend is what an A-list affair it was. Tom and Katie, J. Lo and Marc, Scarlett, Bruce, Demi and Ashton were just some of the stars so-famous-they-don't-even-need-last-names
Jordan's meringue makes list of top wedding dresses Daily Mail
She married in a pink meringue, but Jordan's Barbie-style wedding outfit has been named among the most stylish of all time as wedding guide Conde Nast Brides believes her gown was a landmark in wedding fashion. Find out which wedding dress came top
Food Of The Week Independent
From Austria to America, there's fine dining and fine skiing to be had in the world's top winter sports destinations.
She married in a pink meringue, but Jordan's Barbie-style wedding outfit has been named among the most stylish of all time, by a major wedding guide.prince+de+monaco: email prince monaco | monnaie louis 2 prince monaco | email prince monaco | monnaie louis 2 prince monaco | prince+de+monaco