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A jury rejected the invasion of privacy and libel claims, holding that the parody could not have reasonably been taken to describe true events, but ruled in favor of Falwell on the emotional distress
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Jury is still out on whether or not this is "murder". Once someone makes the decision that it is An argument that basically is saying "our hands work, therefore, screw the hammer" is absolutely
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Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Grand Jury to Meet Tomorrow
Chris Matthews just said on Hardball that the "CIA leak grand jury meets tomorrow, Friday. Time been spent for Team Fitz to hammer out the wording of a document to present to the GJ for them
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Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: March 13, 2005 - March
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Convict takes Executive to court over 'embarrassing' telephone warning The Scotsman
A SERIAL offender serving 21 years in jail is spearheading the latest legal challenge for prisoners' rights in Scotland - complaining that outgoing telephone calls carry a pre-recorded warning.i+jury+hammer+torrent: i+jury+hammer+torrent