Lucky Pig and the Blogger Big Game By Pauly Sun
He asked me if I had the hammer and eventually mucked. I took about half of his stack and did not show my cards. That hand put me into the chiplead and also neutralized the best player in the tournament early on.
Virtual Cathedral in Half Life 2
Instead of making a lame clay model I opened up Hammer (for the first time) and started putting together a Half-Life 2 map of Durham Cathedral, complete with the Ravenholm priest standing at the alter. Here is a link to the map file so
FTOPS Wrap, and a Hand to Analyze
Early on Saturday morning, Hammer Wife, sensing my frustration, It took me about 2 hours (and exactly $101) to satellite in to that event early on I pause, continuing with the feigned weakness, and then bet out half the pot,
Project: Sigma, Half-life 2: Sigma
Project: Sigma is seeking to create a Module for Half-Life 2, which tells the story of Corporal Adrian Shephard, the main character of Half-life: Opposing force. I myself Am teaching myself to use the Hammer Editor, but we could
2/17/7 RED; Ready, But Will US Attack Iran: opposing views
Obviously, we might conclude that Gates is simply another half-witted us up not tear us down as fellow human beings, and to the value of human life. “You are not putting a hammer in their hands, or asking them to sell used cars.
Review: Casanova #2
Why, he’s been writing a comic book version of his life and just wrote his own moments that really hammer the point home. He better watch out or he’s It’sa bit like Phil Jimenez taking over for Mike Mignola half way through an
Black Pimp White Pimp
"He's in love with you like every john within a half-mile. Like taking the hog to a shop to hammer out the motherfucking dent in the roof, then finding Hustler and My life was white and middle-class and boring and sterile.
Event #6 FTOPS Recap, and The Rebuy Coming Next
It's almost hard not to win with a hand like this, at least half the pot. Right? At this point he picks up a wrap draw on the turn, but I'm still a significant favorite to win at least half the pot here. Booooom!
The System Shock 1 to Half Life 1 Project
I couldn't find anything on someone bringing System Shock to Half Life, Im using QuArK as my editor, because hammer was completely pissing me off. 2: Someone who knows Half Life specifics, I need a custom game menu,
Florida Political News for 2/17/07 [Updated]
The Palm Beach Post editors hammer Frankel: Nancy Argenziano, R-Dunnellon, said Friday that her modest personal life with half getting ballots with Democrats holding the top spot and the other half with Republicans listed first.

How to change a life Lexington Herald-Leader
The devil and the Son of God are waging war from opposite corners of Josh Hamilton's body.
It’s a dirty job … Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
American life in the 21st century is – for the most part – blissfully sanitized.
Kurt Cobain at 40 Independent
In the space of two years, Kurt Cobain soared to global stardom then plummeted into a pit of drugs and despair so deep he ended his life in the most violent manner. After a hit of heroin he blasted his brains out with a shotgun.
Narcotics dog goes to work The Morning News
BENTONVILLE -- A new face sniffed around the Bentonville Police Station on Tuesday.
Harvick cruises from back of pack to claim Busch victory Boston Globe
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- After winning last year's Busch Series title in dominant fashion, Nextel Cup driver Kevin Harvick decided he'd run a limited 26-race Busch Series schedule this season. Wisely, Harvick chose to run yesterday's opener at Daytona International Speedway, winning the Orbitz 300 by rallying from the 31st position.
What you had to say about L-A's gems The Lewiston Sun Journal
Note: Some of these submissions were edited.
Neil Warnock: What I've Learnt This Week Independent
When you're in the bottom half you do follow everyone else's results, so on Sunday I watched bits of Fulham's game at Bolton, then started to watch Wigan's match at Arsenal.
EXECUTED teenager Billy Cox was savagely beaten by a gang of six thugs in a "final warning" attack just weeks before being shot in his room.
Skipping school not as cool as before The Lufkin Daily News
"I'm telling you that if you don't have an education, you don't have a future, and that's the cold, hard truth," said Billy Ball, eyeing a courtroom full of parents accompanying their truant sons and daughters on a recent Wednesday morning.
Hotlinks Tiscali
About 100 people were wounded, between officers and fans, in clashes led by hooded rioters who hurled fireworks and lashed out at police with metal bars. Police said they arrested nine people and had detained 23 others.hammer+half+life+2: hammer+half+life+2