Namibia: ACC Arrests Resort Manager
In what could spell the end to the perceived "honeymoon" at Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) at Sesriem, a NWR manager and his lover were recently arrested for alleged theft.
Sea Launch Destroyed On Pad In Fiery Explosion Long Beach, CA SPX Jan 31, 2007 SpaceDaily
Russia's Federal Space Agency said Wednesday it hopes the Sea Launch project will be resumed despite the explosion of a Zenit-3SL rocket carrying a commercial communications satellite.
MINING NEWS: BCGold takes bold position in Yukon Petroleum News
BCGold Corp., a Vancouver-based startup launched in February 2006, has grabbed nearly 4 million acres of mineral claims adjacent to and near the Minto and Carmacks (Williams Creek) copper-gold deposits in west-central Yukon. BCGold said Nov. 27 that it entered into a letter of agreement with Shawn R

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