One Pico, Many Disappointments
Ricotta Cheese Ravioli with Basil Marinated Squash and Warm Tomato Vinaigrette but the tomato vin really lacked any luster, and the squash - blech. Ambiance - B+ Service - C- Food (Taste) - C+ Food (Presentation) - C+
Dates des championnats de France
France 5ème série, "la Gaude"« Sun loisir la Gaude». 28 29 avril, France BC, Mérignac « Ambiance squash ». 12 13 mai, FranceFFSU, Montpellier. 18 19 20, France Vétérans Individuels, Lyon « Squash club du lugdunum »
Pizzeria Mozza, Take II
Ever since reading about the stuffed squash blossoms, I knew that I was Stuffed Squash Blossoms. Good, very tasty, but a bit disappointingly small. The ambiance is lively, well put together and a good mix of intimate and open.
Siam Taste - The only taste of Thai in the South?
The Green Chicken Curry (P225) arrived rather impressively in a squash bowl (although revealed that the bottom of the bowl wasn’t cut too deep into the squash). As for ambiance, the place looks like a cross between a bar and a
4ème Série 07 au Fronton
J'ai commencé le squash parce que j'ai adhéré tout de suite à "l'esprit" on même" et on se sait pas trop dans quel "ambiance" on va se retrouver. Hé bien je vais vous dire pas déçue du tout super ambiance au fronton
Taste of Winterlude
$30 Prix Fixe Menu - Char grilled breast of Duck on Summer Squash risotto with tart or loved ones with our discreet ambiance and the elegant atmosphere of the Opt for an evening of gourmet delights in a jazzy, casual ambiance.
Spring Getaway Portland, OR
From the warm embracing ambiance of our lobby, complete with a library and fireplace, to the graceful charm of our Sightseeing Tours - charge, Sports Event - charge, Squash, Stair Stepper, Stationary Bike, Steam Bathing, Swimming,
Review of El Asador
beer is imported and the yellow walled ambiance brings new meaning to the word authentic. El Salvadorian dough pockets stuffed with beans, cheese or squash. The ambiance: check, the cheap filling food: check, and the general
Firebird Russian Restaurant
If only the food and service could have matched the exquisite ambiance. The Chicken Kiev was served over a lovely roasted squash. The highlight was the squash though. The Kulebiaka, which is salmon in a puff pastry was over
Whist: Top Of The Food Chain
A mountain of flavors are mixing in my mouth with the velvety warm squash and the sea-frothy prawns with savory little cubes of pancetta and the The service was top notch of course, and the ambiance was just right for fine dining.
Addie's Restaurant Washington City Paper
Jeff Black’s New American restaurant was among the first of the new breed of suburban restaurants—places that strive to deliver sophisticated, cosmopolitan dining in a setting more typically associated with chains.
SOUP'S ON! St Louis Commerce Magazine
It’s February, it’s cold and you’re hungry. What’s a quick, comfort food fix? “Soup’s On!” To help Commerce Magazine readers navigate soup options, Taste of the Region did a sampling of several of the area’s more inviting soup dishes.
Chow and Tell: Special days deserve a Beefsteak Palm Springs and Coachella Valley Local News and Guides
Christy Majors, vice president/relationship banking manager II at 1st Centennial Bank in Palm Desert; Terry Taylor, general counsel Indian Wells Tennis Tournament; Tamara Schmidt, high school counselor in Tucson, Ariz.; Ryan Donaldson, executive chef Star Pass Marriott in Tucson.ambiance+squash: ambiance+squash