Lista di corsi on-line di Entomologia su Internet:
III Curso de Iniciación a la Entomología. Natura nusquam magis est tota quam in minimis
- Torralba, A. - Asociación Naturalista Altoaragonesa Onso
Biological Control for the Public
- Dr. L.T. Kok, Professor of Entomology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Biology of Insects
- Paul D. Bell Ph.D. - Trent University, Biology Department
Forest Entomology and Control
- Paul D. Bell Ph.D. - Trent University, Biology Department
General Entomology
- John R. Meyer - Department of Entomology - North Carolina State University
Insect Anatomy Introduction
- E. A. Roberts, S. Salom - Entomology at Virginia Tech
Insect Biology
John G. Stoffolano, jr.
- University of Massachusetts- Amherst
Insects and Human Society
- E. A. Roberts and S. Salom - Entomology at Virginia Tech
Insects and Human Society Distance Learning Site
- B.S. Carroll and T. P. Mack - Entomology at Virginia Tech
Introduction to Insects
- John VanDyk - The Department of Entomology at Iowa State University
Morfología de Insectos
- Prado-Beltrán, E. y J. Valdez-Carrasco - Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas - México
Ornamental & Turf Insects
- Dr. Michael Waldvogel - Department of Entomology - North Carolina State University
Principles of Entomology
- M.T. Sanford