Next month's contest will have a bit of a new twist. As you've undoubtedly noticed, we now have ads up for companies who we support. These companies do not pay us money or give us anything for our own benefit, they instead contribute prizes for our monthly prize draw. This means MORE WINNERS and BETTER PRIZES i.e. more chance of you getting your hands on some cool stuff from PRV-Approved companies like Pure Clothing, Fat Wreck Chords, McDonalds and more. Please "stay tuned" for more info on this. This month's competition will be the same as usual, the lucky winner to receive a disc full of PRV goodies of his or her choice. To be entered in the prize draw, please click the PAYPAL donate button and help out by giving us whatever you can spare. - s[K]iso & Andrewb6k
p.s. No, McDonalds aren't really sponsoring us 8-)


We've added downloadable flyers in an easy to print, 4-per-page format. To save the flyers, RIGHT CLICK on the version you want and choose SAVE TARGET AS.


These should print on both A4 and 8.5" x 11" paper. If not, you should RIGHT CLICK on the image, choose PRINT PICTURE, go into PREFERENCES and choose Printing Options : 'Centered' and Layout : 'Fit to Page'.Please cut out + distribute these at any shows you might go to, especially the upcoming WARPED TOUR dates in the USA. You won't get anything out of it directly, but who knows, one of the people you hand a flyer to just might happen to be a punk fan who can donate us some hosting space, or a label guy who likes what we're doing and wants to get involved! Thanks for your help.

What is PayPal?

Ok, so you may have noticed that we've got some Paypal donation links up now. Why? Well, this site is becoming more and more popular, drawing in 3000-4000 hits per day. All this bandwidth costs money, and occasionally, the site is liable to slow down or even crash. With your donations, (ANYTHING! Even $1 or $2 helps! Hell, even $0.50 makes a difference!), we will be able to buy more webspace and add more vids. So please, click on the link and help us to improve the site by donating whatever you can spare. You can use your current account or make a one off credit card donation, although we prefer donations from your account to ours, as every one-off credit card payment we get incurs a 20% fee!
I can 100% guarantee that PRV will not take ANY profit at all from this, if Skiso wanted to make money there'd be far easier methods for him to do it than ripping you guys off, like getting big paying corporate advertisers and popups in, but you can decide for yourselves.
Any extra money after paying off the current domain + webspace fees will go first and foremost towards improving the site, its speed, and its content, maybe even producing cheap punkrockvids.com t shirts and stickers and stuff in the future if you guys demand it.
If you have any questions or concerns about this new improvement to the site, please email skiso@punkrockvids.com or andrewb6k@punkrockvids.com and we'll be happy to clear things up.
SO... SEE THAT LINK BELOW? GET CLICKING AND GET DONATING, AND WE'LL FULFIL OUR PROMISE TO ADD MORE VIDS TO THE SITE! All donations will be fully refundable, just email skiso@punkrockvids.com if you've donated and changed your mind or your circumstances have changed and you need the money back.