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By Bion

W. R. Bion

Armando Roma 1995
Titolo originale: Elements of Psychoanaliysis
Armando Roma 1994
Titolo originale: Learning from Experiences
Armando Roma 1988
Titolo originale: Second thoughts (Selected Papers of Psychoanalysis)
Armando Roma 1996
Titolo originale: Attention and Interpretation
A scientific Approach to insight in Psycho-Analysis and Groups
Armando Roma 1983
Titolo originale: Transformations: Change from Learning to Growth
Loescher Torino 1981 Italy
by arrangment of Group and Organisation Studies
with Mark Paterson & Associates, Colchester, England
Armando Roma 1996
Titolo originale: Cogitations

About Bion


L.Grinberg, D.Sor, E. Tabak de Bianchedi
Raffaello Cortina 1993
Titolo originale: Nueva Introduccion a las ideas de Bion
C.Neri, A.Correale, P.Fadda
Borla Roma 1994 Italy
A cura di Eugenio Gaburri
Psicoanalisi del campo emotivo
Bollati Boringhieri 1997 Italy



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