I didn't win NaNoWriMo
and I know that for a fact. I was told yesterday "you have a couple of days left, you can do it!" Unfortunately, no, I cannot conceivably write 36k words in less than 3 days. I waged war against myself this year, since it was my
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Corrupt Jefferson resorts to -bashing. Karen Carter must win in
He'll do anything and say anything to win. He's a hypocrite. She has to win. Gay-bashing and corruption cannot prevail in the Democratic party. Help Karen win. Contribute here. Every dollar matters. digg this
Why Can't We Learn to Win in Iraq?
I want to win in Iraq. We need to come together and figure out a way to do it. The reason I raise this is that he asked us, "Why can't we learn to win in The bottom line here is that we need to figure out a way to win this war.
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Democrats Win Pennsylvania House
The final votes have all been counted, and in the 156th state legislature district of Pennsylvania, Democrat Barbara McIlvaine is ahead by 23 votes. While it pains me to link to Rick Santorum's favorite political reporter, Carrie Budoff
Why didn't Weird Al win?
Didn't Weird Al get like double the votes and points than Breaking Benjamin. Why isn't Weird Al getting the first bid? -- Guest, The Daily Jolt. Across both surveys the support was decidedly for music. The musical genre with the most
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An Osaka woman who wrote of a pure love story between a schoolgirl prostitute and a host club gigolo was Tuesday awarded the grand prize in the first Japan Mobile Phone Novel Awards at a ceremony in the Mainichi's Tokyo headquarters
In Pennsylvania, Democrats Narrowly Win House
After all the absentee ballots were counted, it appears Democrats have won control of the Pennsylvania state House of Representatives for the first time since 1994, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports. "If the Democratic victory holds
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