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Earlier I was going on about how Cinemax has been playing the Star Wars marathon over and over again every weekend. Well, I neglected to mention that prior to the actual marathon, Cinemax constantly played this (really long) music video
School's Out
Pretty much everything remaining in the residence has been canceled due to weather so there's a great sense of relaxation in the 3rd floor lounge. School's Out. School's Out
Top Ten Lies Robot Builders Tell Themselves.
4) It will hold fine as it is. 3) I should do this the right way, but I can save five minutes if I… 2) I don’t need to test it before the show. and the number one lie that robot builders tell themselves:. 1) It’ll only take 15 minutes
Kondo adds pivot to KHR-1HV biped robot kit
Filed under: Robots. When we first spotted this mild Kondo update to its KHR-1 bot, we weren't too incredibly excited, but after watching a couple of TiVoed episodes of Dancing with the Stars -- you know, to get the creative juices
Nothing New About Robot Workers
This article about Ubiko, a humanoid robot that gets paid by the hour, Industrial robots have already replaced many workers, particularly in the These industrial robots are well adapted to assembly lines where the work comes to
KAI ROBOT: An Education-use Robot from Kaimax
Kaimax has unveiled KAI ROBOT, that it claims to be an education-use robot. The Robot has various pieces which can be unfolded by you and then you can let your kid do the The company claims that the Robot will be able to develop
News Flash: Kondo Enhances The KHR-series Humanoid Robot Product Line
Kondo, the Japanese humanoid robot kit company,is about to adda new robot In mid-December the new "KHR-1HV" humanoid robot kitis scheduled tohit store shelves in Japan. Although the model name is similar to the popular KHR-1 robot,
Jesse Jackson: Harmless Man-Child or Evil Robot?
Then they replace him with an evil robot double. But they not expect us to know that Jesse is no as But seriously, do you think that Jesse might be a robot? An evil robot? An evil robot with the IQ of a slow four year old child?
Sites down Nov. 29 9pm PST 60 minutes or less, we hope
We’re going to activate the new database we’ve been talking about in recent weeks. This will allow the site to be up 24/7. We’ll no longer bring the sites down daily to backup the database. Exciting times!
Nico Berry Hoodie Release @ Kid Robot
Nico Berry for Kid Robot Clipped from the KR Newsletter: Thursday, November 30, is a special mark-your-calendar date for apparel releases from Kidrobot, including the hot Nico Berry pattern hoodies, available in two colorways!

Costruisci e programma il tuo Robot
Il sito ufficiale di Steve Potter, creatore del formidabile robot capace di pensare, Autosub è un robot subacqueo che compie missioni preprogrammate con
ENCICLO*ROBO*PEDIA - Tutto sui Robot Giapponesi
L'opera più completa riguardo i robot giapponesi degli anni '70.
ROBOT Rivista di fantascienza
Dedicato alla storica rivista di fantascienza pubblicata in Italia negli anni '70.
∂| Delos Store | Robot
Regala la collezione della leggendaria rivista Robot, e riceverai un regalo anche tu. Per i veri fan di Robot che scoprono la nuova serie solo ora:
∂| Delos Store | Collana Robot
Ma a volte ricominciano: oggi finalmente ritorna Robot grazie a Delos Books. Ristampa a tiratura limitata del primo numero della nuova serie di Robot.

ROBOT Rivista di fantascienza
Dedicato alla storica rivista di fantascienza pubblicata in Italia negli anni '70.
∂| Delos Store | Robot
Regala la collezione della leggendaria rivista Robot, e riceverai un regalo anche tu. Per i veri fan di Robot che scoprono la nuova serie solo ora:
∂| Delos Store | Collana Robot
Ma a volte ricominciano: oggi finalmente ritorna Robot grazie a Delos Books. Ristampa a tiratura limitata del primo numero della nuova serie di Robot.
PI: Il robot consapevole si ripara da solo
Il robot prima analizza se stesso e le sue parti, poi impara, attraverso la Il nuovo robot Un robot auto-consapevole, che apprende da se stesso e
Io, Robot (Asimov) - Wikipedia
Io, Robot è il titolo di un celebre libro di Isaac Asimov. Io, Robot non è un titolo inventato da Asimov, ma dall'editore della prima edizione di questa
Robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The word robot is used to refer to a wide range of machines, the common feature of This field of robot research has become known as Biomorphic robotics.
Robot Factory
Rassegna di robotica, robot in kit, video di robot, robot didattici. Come costruire robots in modo semplice. Apprendere concetti legati all'intelligenza
I, Robot (2004)
Plot summary, trailer, cast and crew information, user reviews, and message board.
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