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'Leak' Test of 21 Personal Firewalls Slashdot mork writes "Matousec.com, as part of a larger analysis of personal firewalls on Windows, has conducted a thorough leak test of 21 pieces of firewall software. Leak tests imitate common methods used by trojans or spyware to send your information from your computer. Windows Firewall XP SP2 fails every test, so the fears that the days of third party firewall software was over seem groundless. New Security Challenges CIOL Enterprises traditionally have deployed firewalls as barriers at the network perimeter. The Intention being to Thwart All External Attacks or to block all traffic that was not authenticated or allow access only to specific applications. Security Hole in Microsoft Word Threatens Millions E-Commerce Times Microsoft is currently investigating a vulnerability in certain editions of its Word Software that could open millions of unprotected PCs to hacker attacks. The vulnerability affects Word 2000, 2002, 2003, Word Viewer 2003, Word 2004 for Mac, and Word 2004 version X for Mac. Panda Software's Weekly Report on Viruses and Intruders RedNova GLENDALE, Calif., Dec. 4 /PRNewswire/ -- This week's report identifies the Banker.FLO and TnegA.A Trojans, the IrcBot.AIV worm and the WKSSVC hacking tool. Banker.FLO is a Trojan that monitors Internet traffic generated when the user accesses web pages related with online banks. Panda Software's Weekly Report on Viruses and Intruders PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance This week's report identifies the Banker.FLO and TnegA.A Trojans, the IrcBot.AIV worm and the WKSSVC hacking tool. Christmas shopping: Vista over XP? The Register Security pros have their say Anti-Virus vendors … Federico Biancuzzi: Christmas Shopping: Vista Over XP? SecurityFocus Christmas Shopping: Vista Over XP? >> Advertisement << ALERT: "How A Hacker Launches A Blind SQL Injection Attack Step-by-Step"!" - White Paper Blind SQL Injection can deliver total control of your server to a hacker giving them the ability to read, write and manipulate all data stored in your backend systems! Download this *FREE* white paper from SPI Dynamics for a complete guide to Getting into Top Gear for Christmas RedNova By NIGEL BURTON GEARS OF WARFormat: Xbox 360Price: 50Publisher: MicrosoftFamily friendly? 18+A YEAR into its life and the Xbox 360 finally gets the game that turns it from a nice luxury into a Christmas must-have. New Spamta Worm Hits The Internet BIOS PandaLabs, Panda Software's anti-malware laboratory, has recently detected a rapid increase in the number of incidents caused by a new variant of the Spamta worm. In one 12 hour period, incidents involving this malicious code multiplied rapidly. These waves of m New wave of the Spamta worm hits the Internet IT Observer Anti-virus software company, Panda Software, has recently detected a rapid increase in the number of incidents caused by a new variant of the Spamta worm.