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isdn flat rate

3 flat rate: More from the BBC
But here comes the real killer: customers will pay a flat rate for all their "Moving to flat rate charging is the key to unlocking the value of the mobile But using them reminded me how slow 3G actually is - ISDN speed at best.
Re: English lost in Berlin!
Phone line: Alice, Arcor, Freenet, O2, T-Com (a division of Deutsche > Telekom), and Versatel (in alphabetical order) will be happy to sell > you a full-service line with phone (analog or ISDN), DSL, and > Internet access; flat rate for
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Telefonflat und DSL Flatrate zum Sparpreis!
2 MBit/s); DSL-Flatrate; ISDN-Grundgebühr; Telefon Flat für das deutsche Festnetz (*bis 28.02.2007 inclusive); ohne Einrichtungspreis, keine Setupgebühr; 3 Rufnummern, 2 Leitungen; alle ISDN Komfortmerkmale; Ihre bisherige Rufnummer
Re: ISDN Cena flat rate i protok
Za cene moraš da proveriš kod provajdera, ne znam koji je to ISDN 256k a uglavnom dozvoljavaju neograničen DL za flat naloge, tu ne možeš nešto mnogo da skineš a da ne napraviš i poveći tlf račun
Besplatni Flat-rate 128K/128K H-1
Uz malo drugacije klikanje mozete napraviti da se veza ostvaruje po oba dva kanala ISDN i imate 128/128 besplatni flat-rate. Znam da sam vecini otkrivam toplu vodu ali jednostavno sam morao to napisati. Tak mi je ljepo izgledao naslov…
Re: ISDN Cena flat rate i protok
Da nije mislio na ADSL
A deep well of experience
If my world gets too small, my work gets stale and flat. We’re negotiating a rate for this that would allow me to record at their facilities. I will work out of an ISDN studio in Sacramento on the way there, which will break up
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Re: ISDN Cena flat rate i protok
Svaki provajder uglavnom daje ISDN 128k, a za one koji sigurno daju kvaliteno i najjeftiniji mesecni flat su Kalik Informatika, ili 011/3544859 javi im se za otvaranje naloga. Pozdrav

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