********************** AX25 SETUP ******************************** Source address: Source SSID (hex 0 to F): Destination address: Destination SSID: <0> Repeater1 address Repeater1 SSID: <2> Repeater2 address <> Repeater2 SSID: <> ---------------------- APRS-is SETUP ----------------------------- APRSis hostname: APRSis port: <14580> APRSis Login name: APRSis Passcode: <00000> ---------------------- WX Station parameters --------------------- Position & wind data: <=1234.56N/01234.56E_000/000g000t> Beacon tail (comment): Time zone (local to UTC): <1> ---------------------- WIFI setup -------------------------------- WIFI SSID: WIFI Passphrase: FTP username: FTP password: ---------------------- misc -------------------------------------- BME280 sensor (Y/N): DS18b20 sensor (Y/N): Log data to SD (Y/N): Log every (secs): <3600> Enable TNC out (Y/N): RS232 speed: <115200> KISS mode (Y/N): KISS init string 1 KISS init string 2 KISS init string 3 Converse command: APRSis beacons (Y/N): Beacon every (secs): <600> **************************END*************************************