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OS 400

resurrecting the qsecofr profile in os/400 by joe hertvik
resurrecting the qsecofr profile in os/400 by joe hertvik
what’s project eclipz?
if you look at the iseries, you find that os/400 runs on more-or-less a pseries power5 system. this is probably the easiest convergence for ibm because, i’m told, the os/400 underlying instruction set is quite similar to intermediate
os/400 upgrade preparation
in this webcast you'll hear from's systems management expert dan reusche on how to research, plan and perform a successful operating system upgrade. published by: search400
available for os/400?
sorry about the late reply. itemfield is not available for os400. only those platforms available for download are available. best regards, bill
RPG programmer
The position requires experience with Control Language (CL), RPG, DB2/400 and OS/400. In addition the candidate should have experience with the following programming utilities: Programming Development Manager (PDM), Source Entry Utility
online support for i5 os/400 ptf's by andrew borts
online support for i5 (os/400) ptf's by andrew borts
mystifying os/400 and i5/os mathematics by howard arner
mystifying os/400 and i5/os mathematics by howard arner
as400 iseries system administrator - london, as400, os400, ibm
as400 iseries system administrator - london, as400, os400, ibm, lan, orion, tcp/ip. as400 iseries system administrator required immediately to provide hands on technical expertise in the day to day running of ibm system i servers
analyst programmer, os/400,db2/400,sql/400,rpg ile, finance
analyst programmer, os/400,db2/400,sql/400,rpg ile, finance the package is £top end huge bonus bens it's location south east, date posted: tue, 04 jul 2006 15:18:58 gmt
looksoftware eliminates 5250 processing requirement with new product
if developers had followed the lead of ibm, they would have re-written their 5250 applications in java and run them in websphere, thereby bypassing the 5250 requirement. however, relatively few programmers that use the os/400's server

il Dizionario Informatico - AS/400 -
Il LIC è fornito da IBM come parte integrante dell'OS/400. Il collegamento dell'AS/400 con i personal computer avviene tramite il Client Access,
I5/OS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
OS/400 and i5/OS have built-in subsystems that provide some backward compatibility with earlier IBM general business systems, such as the IBM System/3x
IBM System i - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While OS/400, AIX and Linux are supported on the POWER processors, Windows is supported with either single-processor internal blade servers (IXS) or
L'infrastruttura per l'e-business
HW, OS, DB, applicazioni a 64 bit (18 milioni di TB); gestione di xSeries per Windows NT/2000; OS/400: il sistema operativo integrato a oggetti
OS/400 - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
OS/400 oraz AS/400 zostały zaprezentowane w 1988 roku. Najnowsza wersja OS/400 nazywa się i5/OS. Szczególną cechą tego systemu jest tekstowy interfejs

L'infrastruttura per l'e-business
HW, OS, DB, applicazioni a 64 bit (18 milioni di TB); gestione di xSeries per Windows NT/2000; OS/400: il sistema operativo integrato a oggetti
OS/400 - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
OS/400 oraz AS/400 zostały zaprezentowane w 1988 roku. Najnowsza wersja OS/400 nazywa się i5/OS. Szczególną cechą tego systemu jest tekstowy interfejs
IBM System i - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While OS/400, AIX and Linux are supported on the POWER processors, Windows is supported with either single-processor internal blade servers (IXS) or
OS/400 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El sistema operativo OS/400 apareció en el mercado en 1988 al mismo tiempo que la línea de miniordenadores AS/400, llamados en la jerga de IBM,
What is OS/400? - a definition from
OS/400 is IBM's operating system for its AS/400 and AS/400e line of business computers.
NHibernate con DB2 su OS/400
Per chi si accingesse ad utilizzare NHibernate con database DB2 serviti da OS/400, segnalo una fix che ho appena postato sul sito di supporto
nicoladagostino's bookmarks tagged with "OS/400" on
AS/400 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. to AS/400 OS/400 OS IBM retrocomputing storia saved by 3 other people on aug 13, 2005
OS/400 - Wikipédia
OS/400 é um sistema operacional de propriedade IBM Corporation utilizado pela primeira OS/400 é constituido de vários módulos individuais de um código
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