MoMoBCN - Mobile Social Networks The event is sponsored by CIDEM (Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament Empresarial of the Generalitat de Catalunya), Agora 22@ and Barcelona Media. Technorati Announcements, areyouhere, lbs, location based, mobile 2.0, mobile communities De Montfort University Links with KOM The organisers of eGames (www.egamesoman.blogspot.com), a two-day international conference on mobile and serious game, scheduled to be held 10 – 11 December at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, has partnered with staff from De Montfort University flurry - mobile email for everyone i was joining demofall06 in san diego this september because we were launching jajah mobile and met karl harris from flurry there. since that time i wanted to blog about their sweet product which i'm using everyday since the day we met. Proximity Marketing As of now, the mobile phone is the best positioned device for mobile marketing For nitwits, using qr-codes with a mobile phone works like this: it works by The user “scans” or clicks on the tag using their mobile camera phone Proximity Marketing This event is sponsored by Media Contacts, CIDEM (Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament Empresarial of the Generalitat de Catalunya) and Barcelona Media. Special thanks to Nacencia Web & Mobile Solutions for developing MoMoBCN web momobcn presentations we created a speaker presentation download section for our participants and readers. you can currently download the speaker presentations from the mobile monday july 3 opening event in barcelona, on mobile marketing and advertising and No connection on Sony Ericsson K600i Last post by MatB: @Mannes: sure that's the first thing i tried. I've found the problem: the settings that i downloaded for T-Mobile DE are for WAP only, they don't work for internet. Thanks, it works mobile monday barcelona goodies mobile monday barcelona has created a speaker presentation download section. sharing information is key to share experiences on a global level, it brings different players in the mobile value chain closer to each other and it stimulates upcoming mobile my favourite rss calendar application upcoming.org went mobile a couple of days ago. in their usual humble style upcoming team anounced: “just open up m.upcoming.org on your mobile phone’s web browser and log in. we’ll give you your jajah grabs attention with free mobile calls now, you can make free calls from your mobile phone, regardless of whether it has a browser or you have to rely on its sms or some other interface. it lets you talk for free as long as the person on the other end is registered. if not,
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