shortint align,p x$=arg$(1) y$=arg$(2) if x$="" then print "no file selected...exiting!":stop if y$="" then print "no output path given!":stop open "I",1,x$ if ERR<>0 then print "Error on input file!":stop open "O",2,y$+x$ if ERR<>0 then print "Error on output file!":stop print "Aligning code in file "+x$ while not eof(1) align=0 line input #1,a$ if len(a$)=0 then print #2,chr$(10) else comment1=instr(a$,";") comment2=instr(a$,"*") if (comment1=0 and comment2=0) then c=1023 else if (comment1<>0 and comment2<>0) then if (comment10) then c=comment1 else c=comment2 end if end if case instr(ucase$(a$),"RTS") and instr(ucase$(a$),"RTS")