; $VER: Installation script for SystemPatch 1.1 (17 Febbraio 2005) ; © SystemPatch installation script ; check if we are running under correct OS (set ver (/ (getversion) 65536)) (if (< ver 39) ( (abort "Incorrect OS version (software requires OS 3.0 or better )!") ) ) ; error handling (onerror (if (> @ioerr 0) ( (message ("An error has occurred during installation. Please check the log file to understand the error.") ) ) ) (exit (quiet)) ) ; normal installation ( (welcome) ; --- insert your code below --- (message "\nWARNING!!!\n\nSystemPatch will be copied to C:\nquicklayers.library will be copied to LIBS:\n\nExisting files will be overwritten!" ) (copyfiles (source "") (dest "C:") (pattern "SystemPatch") (optional "oknodelete" "force" "askuser") ) (delete "LIBS:quicklayers.library" (optional "force") ) (copyfiles (source "") (dest "LIBS:") (if (= ver 39) ( (pattern "quicklayers.library_OS30") (optional "oknodelete" "force" "askuser") ) ; else ( (pattern "quicklayers.library") (optional "oknodelete" "force" "askuser") ) ) ) (if (= ver 39) ( (rename "LIBS:quicklayers.library_OS30" "LIBS:quicklayers.library" ) ) ) (copyfiles (source "FAllocRasterExcludeList") (dest "ENVARC:") (optional "oknodelete" "force" "askuser") ) (startup "SYSTEMPATCH" (prompt "\n\nThis line will be added to your user-startup to launch SystemPatch at boot time:\n\nC:SystemPatch NOINTUITION QUIET") (help @startup-help) (command ("C:SystemPatch NT Q") ) ) ; --- end of your code --- (exit "\n\nCongratulations!!!\n\nYou have successful installed SystemPatch.\nYou have to reboot your Amiga to make changes effective." (quiet)) )