;SystemPatch definitions DMACONR EQU $2 INTENA EQU $9A CIAA_PORTREG_A EQU $BFE001 CIAB_PRA EQU $BFD000 CIAA_PRA EQU $BFE001 intena EQU $9A dmaconr EQU $2 _custom equ $DFF000 intreq equ $9C dmacon EQU $96 intenar EQU $1C intreqr EQU $1E EXT_0010 EQU 12345678 EXT_0011 EQU 12345678 EXT_0012 EQU 12345678 NULL EQU 0 AFB_68060 EQU 7 _LVOWriteChunkyPixels EQU -$420 ; This is non-masked rp stack usage ( used 99.9999% of the time) HData = 0 ;.w Lines = 2 ;.w FLWmask = 4 ;.l LLWmask = 8 ;.l NLWblit = 12 ;.w SMask = 14 ;.w EndBit = 16 ;.w BWidth = 18 ;.w ; Local info on dest bitmap DBPR = 20 ; BytesPerRow DP0point = 24 ; these are all adjusted to point DP1point = 28 ; to the 1st lw in the blit DP2point = 32 ; which may not be the same DP3point = 36 ; lw the blit starts in DP4point = 40 ; DP5point = 44 ; DP6point = 48 ; DP7point = 52 ; stacked = 56 ; Masking BM on stack ; BM_Planes SP0point = 0 SP1point = 4 SP2point = 8 SP3point = 12 SP4point = 16 SP5point = 20 SP6point = 24 SP7point = 28 ; Stack planes, 32 pixels SP0 = 32 SP1 = 36 SP2 = 40 SP3 = 44 SP4 = 48 SP5 = 52 SP6 = 56 SP7 = 60 mHData = 64 ;.w mLines = 66 ;.w mFLWmask = 68 ;.l mLLWmask = 72 ;.l mNLWblit = 76 ;.w mSMask = 78 ;.w mEndBit = 80 ;.w mBWidth = 82 ;.w ; Local info on dest bitmap mDBPR = 84 ; BytesPerRow mDP0point = 88 ; these are all adjusted to point mDP1point = 92 ; to the 1st lw in the blit mDP2point = 96 ; which may not be the same mDP3point = 100 ; lw the blit starts in mDP4point = 104 ; mDP5point = 108 ; mDP6point = 112 ; mDP7point = 116 ; mstacked = 120 ; ** BitMap struct ** BytesPerRow EQU 0 ; UWORD Rows EQU 2 ; UWORD Flags EQU 4 ; UBYTE Depth EQU 5 ; UBYTE Pad EQU 6 ; UWORD Planes EQU 8 ; PLANEPTRs [8] ;BMF_INTERLEAVED EQU 8 ; ** p2c struct ** bmap EQU 0 ; struct BitMap * startX EQU 4 ; UWORD startY EQU 6 ; UWORD width EQU 8 ; UWORD height EQU 10 ; UWORD chunkybuffer EQU 12 ; UBYTE * ; ** buffer EQU 0 lastplaneptr EQU 32 Width EQU 36 Height EQU 38 Modulo EQU 40 leftpix EQU 42 rightpix EQU 44 insidebyte EQU 46 depth EQU 48 sizeof_buffer EQU 52